
So, the Lightning finally pick up a D-man........?

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...........and then get rid of two more.

Now I wonder what OK Hockey are thinking. Get rid of Kuba, who happens to be exactly the same type of player as Meszaros but is One Million dollars cheaper and is not a UFA until next year. Then get rid of first pound pick, Pichard (I saw this kid play with the Lightning last year, and you can just smell that he is going to be a great player).

Why? Why would they get rid of one of their best defenseman for the same type of defeseman....and lose a good 1st rounder, and 1st round pick for next year, and play another $1 million dollars)?

Please tell I am wrong. Please tell me that Meszaros is young and Kuba will be washed up soon, and that Meszaros is an investment for the Lightning (the NEW Dan Boyle).

Was this a good move? Why?




  1. Sorry for the late reply, just back from vacation.

    The trade, I am not sure..... if you measure the winner as the team who got the best player involved then Tampa won this one.

    I have always been a Meszaros fan, he is currently better than Kuba and a whole lot younger.  Picard is still developing, will he reach his potential- not sure.  I have not seen him play much, last year when the Flyers traded him to Tampa I remember that some of the flyer's guys on here including Bob where less than impressed with his work ethic.

    Interesting to note he is 23, Meszaros is only 22 with 250 games NHL experience- he will get a lot better.

    I like the pickup by Tampa however Kuba, Picard and a 1st round pick seems like a lot.  Given Tampa is sorely lacking D-men and Ottawa is a little thin on the third and fourth lines, maybe tampa could have saves a d-man and tossed in a forward.

    We will see in a couple of years based on how well Picard and Meszaros do.

  2. They want the experience of Meszaros, and the name power. Names get people to buy tickets.

    Honestly, I knew none of your former D- But now that you have a guy who's not quite on the elite level in the NHL, I'm seriously worried for the first time about Tampa in the division. The southeast could have 3 teams make the playoffs this year, with the Hurricanes, Caps and Lightning.

    Even if not a big deal to the locals, it also makes them look like a serious contender to the rest of the NHL.

  3. Maybe they can be like the Tigers... be all offense... except win... who knows.

  4. The real difference is downstream. With signing Meszaros to the contract they have. Tampa Bay has dodged the cap bullet of next year.

    With Kuba becoming a free agent next year the Bolts would have had a problem resigning him and signing their young players who become RFA's next year. Finally some smart moves from a southern franchise.  

  5. I've been trying to not pass judgment on the Lightning's busy off-season because I really hate them and I can't tell if I'm being biased or not.  But I can say with out a shadow of doubt that unless Meszaros has a break-out season he will be remembered as one of the worst trades in Lightning history.  Not only did they give up two players to get him (and from what I've seen Pichard alone should prove to be of equal or better value the Meszaros) they also gave up a first round choice in what should be another stellar draft.  They gave up way too much for him and now have a contract he doesn't deserve clogging up their cap space.  But then again I've been wrong before so maybe this will all work out for them, but my guess is it won't.  

  6. I dont think I can comment on this move until a full season has been played! I found it odd that they gave up 2 Defensmen for Meszaros when they are in need of Dmen.

    Meszaros is an upgrade over Kuba and a few years younger... maybe thats why  they did it. But giving up Picard was what I thought was the wrong move. They should have tried to unload one or two of their 4th line or 13th, 14th, or 15th Forwards with Kuba and kept Picard

  7. Hi

    Haley only thing that makes sense to me at this point is that they have the right number of players to play the torpedo system. They may even have gotten the right style. I am at a loss on what is going on though.  Nips comment about 16 forward though made me think about it though...

    Thank You

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