
So, there's this guy. (isn't there always?)?

by  |  earlier

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So, we've known each other for a few weeks.

He's the stereotypical badass guy (tatoos, smokes, etc.) We've been hanging out and partying together and having a good time. A week ago I let him kiss me, and we've been hanging out more.

I've heard good things about him, but then again I've heard that he "gets around".

The past couple days he's been completely avoiding me. I just don't know. We're not official or anything, but should I be worried? Should I brush him off and forget about him?

Some advice would be greatly appreciated! :)




  1. my mom used to tell me about guys like that & i never really paid her any attention but 1 thing that stuck out was when she said believe nothing of what you hear & only half of what you see. To me he sounds like hes only after one thing & if that's the kind of guy he isjusthen i would just forget about him .you sound like you could do better & you must be smart if you realized this in just a few weeks you'll find a good guy if i can sweetie you can good luck

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