
So, there is this guy..what should i do??

by  |  earlier

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so there is this guy.....and i really like him. we were in different school's last year but we were still friends. anyway, we r in the same school this year. im in 10th grade, is in 11th. well, since i got here he's been tickeling me and asking for hugs and grabing my sides and stuff. well, i think he likes me, but im not really sure. he talkes to other girls to(well, DUH). and..he doesnt hug them or tickle them either, so...i guess he likes me? i dont really know. how am i supposed to know if he really likes me or if he's "just flirting"?? without asking him?

sorry this was long, i just really want all of ur opinions on this.

what do i do?? thanks:)

mmk, i guess i should mention that i became friends w/ him because he used to go out w/ on of my besties...and there is this stupid "rule" that u cant go out w/ ur best friends ex boyfriends. thats what it is for my friends, anyway. what do u think of that "rule"?? well, this is what i think about it...pttttttt pshh, w/e. lol. what im saying is if this guy asks me out, i'd say yes! idc if hes my friends ex or not!


i am 15 and this guy is 17. :)




  1. this guy totally likes you and isn't afraid to show it! if he doesn't do this to other girls its a def. sign. i think you should make the first move if you want to have an actual relationship. the age isn't a big deal. but you might want to talk to your bestie about it first and ask if shes alright with you and him. hope i helped.

  2. I was thinking the same thing as Victoria R...why is this in hair?

  3. hmmm if u want to find that he is loving u.........just u do this

    " u just dont talk with him for a day........ just find what he saying..... then ask him that do u like me as what da.... frnd ......or what...... or just tell him that i want to tie u rockhy . if he accepts that he dont loves..... if he says someing and escape he is loving........ if anything dint workout u just ask him stright weather u love thats better all than this . good luck tell after u ask and he replys..... take care

  4. Oh, he's flirting! Usually, I'd wait for the guy to make the first move, but it seems that's what he's doing.

    Start talking about if he has a girlfriend, even if you know the answer. Then, normally, he'd ask you back. And flirt with him, too. Show him you're interested.

    And forget if he went with one of your bestfriends. They're broken up, you had nothing to do with that and if your bestie has a problem with it, either kick her behind or ditch her. That's not really bestfriend material, now is it?

    Or, if you're feeling really ballsy, ask him if he likes you. Straight out ask: "Do you like me?" He'll have to answer. Either he says "Yes." or, "No." and you know where you stand from there.

  5. just don't be secrective about ur feelings for him with ur bf. I was in a similar situation when I was your age and my bf told me everything and how she felt about the guy soo I was like watever. I rlly didn't have a problem with it n i was glad that she was open to me instead of being secretive. I think it just made our relationship

    stronger b/c I felt I could trusted her  .

    Anyways there's a reason why their broken up so just go for itI. He totally likes you.

    oh when guys asks if u have a boyfriend then that means that they're totally interested in u. Otherwise they wouldn't care if u had one or not


  6. if that girl is really your best friend, she will understand, and let the past be the past, and let you be with him.

    most of the time, when a guy touches you, it means he likes you.

    he only way to know for sure is to ask. just be simple, like hey (insert name here), i really like you, and im not sure how to ask, but pretty much, i wanted to know if you liked me too?" something simple and to the point like that.

  7. yee class of '11  !

    you should ask him to grab lunch sometime with you, that way its not too forward like an actual date and just hanging out and if he likes you then he'll ask you out on a date and it will go from there,

    if he doesnt like you like that then there isnt much you can do except flirt back!

    as for the rule, its only okay if you friend was the one to break up with him and it also depends on the length of the relationship if it was a short thing then sure go for it, but if it was like a year or longer then it might get a little complicated,

    but you should ask you friend if its alright

    hope this helped

  8. you should take a risk and flirt back.

    it sounds like he likes you.

    and me and everybody at school are cool with dating eachothers ex's.

    and most people are really close with everybody.

    so if he ever does ask you out, then checkkk with your girlies.

    just follow your heart, not your mind.

    remember that.

  9. chicks before *****

    I would ask your friend how she would feel if you two went out. I mean I'm 26 and i KNOW that NOOOO 17 yr old boy is worth losing a BFF over. Trust me!!!

    Oh and BTW it sound slike he is flirting, but if he isn't asking you out, or doesn't ask you out, then there's nothing you can do at that point!

    Girls do not ask guys out, I dont care what people say. You do not want to appear EASY, and guys LOVE a challenge.

    Edit- No no no no do not ask him! Who does that!? Its Highschool... get someone else to ask!!! =)

  10. why is this in the hair section???

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