
So, what's the worst name ever to call a child ( In your opinion )?

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Nevaeh, good god, who came up with that?

I've never even heard of it.




  1. Nevaeh. I hate that name.

  2. my husbands mother still calls him baby, i cant stand it,he is 22 and has been out on his own for 4 years, When i was in high school, i didnt like when teachers or parents would say "that kid" let see i have ben called "kitten" "sweetie" any nickname that your parents give you are bad!!

  3. Billy Ray Joe Jim Bob.

  4. sue sue ! and river

    i no people called that

  5. Madison, for a girl. It means SON OF MATTHEW.

  6. Jayden  look up jaded in the dictionary that is what i think every time i see this celebrity wannabe name??? yuck!!!

    any of the -ayden names actually!!!

    and the names that start with mc or end with a made up tag  along of -lyn!!!

    naming girls james or ryan or jay or parker or mackenzie yuck!1

    someone wanted to name their boy CHER how g*y!!!

    and changing the c names to a k on the front just to be different or buthchering a name like ava to this---avaigh how dumb!!!

    poor kids the examples are endless and they do not look unique they look as if the parents are either illiterate or high!! sorry but true!good luck!

  7. Nevaeh, Gretchen and Chad

  8. Prudensia (yes i really know a girl named that)

  9. I think totally made up names or names that sound like a soap star name.  My daughter's name is Jadyn and it means God Has Heard.  We named her that after having many hard struggles to get pregnant.  She is our only so her name fits her.  I think I would not name my child something like Spencer, Trevor, Charles, Jax because those are names of soap opera people.  God BLess!

  10. Shithead is a real name pronounced s**+-heed. That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

  11. Pilot Inspektor is what some celebrity or another named his/her son.

    Kaylee, Alexia, Justus, Kellyna, Nychole, Mykenzie, Manchester, Rodana, Mason (for a girl, my cousin!), Lola (can you say "bimbo?") Dakota, and last but not least, Tallulah Does the Hula from Hawaii

    You've got to hand it to these parents, they must take a lot of time to consider which names would have the most potential to ruin their son's/daughter's lives.

  12. Jacuzzi or Mingo.

    OR EVEN:

    Tallulah Does the Hula in Hawaii

  13. Otissa Melissa... My dad wanted to name me that... ick.

  14. Pulling a Gwenyth Paltrow and naming your child after a fruit. That gives people license to mock your child for the rest of his or her life.

    I also hate the names Robert, Todd and Todd - I cannot stand them. Whenever I hear those names, I think of fat businessmen in their late fifties. Also, whenever I hear the name Todd, I think of the character Todd from the tacky Mormon musical "Saturday's Warrior." NOT good.

    Calling your child a swear word is also horrible. If you're screaming at them or what not. Never go there.  

  15. Worthless, in my oppinion, is the worst thing to call a child.

    But if you are talking worst given names like ones you were born with, I'd say d**k. I just think it's one of those names he'll be teased throughout school.

  16. fat

  17. animal

  18. Nevaeh, Miley, Shithead (sha-theed)

  19. Anything other then their name!!

  20. I agree with you, Nevaeh sounds straight out of the trailer park.  IT's terrible and trashy(no offense to anyone).  there are a lot of names like that like Trinity(doesn't it sound like a pornstar or a stripper) Or Diamond(seriously)? Please think of the child when you name your baby!!

  21. pooh

  22. Fredward. Poor kid :(

  23. Any ghetto names





    I feel sorry for kids with these names

  24. Bertha

    awful name

  25. Little *********


  26. Nevaeh wins hands down - so trashy!!

    I can't believe you have never heard it - it is like the 30th most popular name!!

    Ayden and everything that rhymes with come a close second - so common and so misspelled!


  27. Billy bob joe, lol.

  28. I hate when parents name there children after cars or something they can't afford that is so irratating naming a child lexus when you drive a buick, diamond when you wear rinstones, Porsche when they ridin a astrovan,and Chardinay when they know d**n well they only got six pack money it's crazy but i guess they have the right to dream

  29. Nevaeh, Kendall, Peyton, names of that nature... correction they're not even names.

  30. Well Nevaeh is up there in my opinion. I also think it is horrible when parents give their children names from different cultures and do not pronounce them correctly. They sound like ignorant fools.

  31. Fuckball, ***-wipe or shithead

    Dweesal was always one that made me think too

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