
So, what are your thoughts on Reed Sorenson joining up with Ray Evernham??

by Guest21428  |  earlier

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I think he could have gotten a better driver myself..................




  1. Ganassi has hit a slump in the NASCAR series, and I honestly think that was Reed's biggest problem. I think going over to GEM where they've had the success this year will help him out. I'd love to see him be running up there where Sadler and Kahne* have been running lately.

    *Ignoring the last two races for Kasey, of course.  

  2. I hope Reed does well on the team.

    I really want to see him succeed!

  3. I like Reed Sorenson. He is a good driver. Ganassi is a sub par team

    who has been giving him c**p cars. He deserves to be in a better team.

    I wish him well and think he will do much better next year.

    I predict that Ganassi will fold within the next 3 to 5 years. They suck!

  4. be a whole lot better than where he was

  5. i cant wait to see reed run with evernham. i really hope he gets a win.

  6. Hope he does good...he's kinda cute

  7. Personally, I think Evernham should have held on to Scott Riggs, and let Patrick Carpentier run in the Nationwide series for a couple of years.  I wish Reed luck over at GEM, and hope they decide to keep him around, but it seems like that third GEM ride is a revolving door.

    PS: What Felix Sabates said about Reed Sorenson was COLD.

  8. He will finally have some good equipment.  I would expect him to be in the points range Vickers is in this year.  Nothing more, nothing less.  At least in his first year with the team.

  9. I think it's okay and I hope he does okay there!

  10. If he can't make it in an Evernham car, he better find a new line of work, like.....Ice cream truck driver.  

  11. I think this will work out well for everyone.  Chip is more interested in his open-wheel teams than his NASCAR ones.  Maybe if Chip had put more effort and attention into his NASCAR teams, they would have been better but as of right now they are not competive at all.

    Reed is a very talented driver and deserves to be with a good team.  I think he will also benefit from having Kasey and Elliott as teammates.

    Congrats Reed!!!

  12. ummmmmmmmmmm, my thoughts I will let you all know when I finish doing my happy dance around the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO REED GO!!!!!!!!!

  13. I think Reed will do better on GEM. His deal with Ganassi had gone stale and he didn't have a good chemistry with the team. I hope Evernham puts him in the #10 or the #91 which hasn't been run in a while.

  14. I think it's awesome, Reed needs a ride where he can be competitve. Let's face it, Ganassi is the complete opposite. I really hope Reed does well.

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