
So, what do you think of the British presentation in the Beijing olympics?

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So, what do you think of the British presentation in the Beijing olympics?




  1. with the very high standard of presentations by the Chinese, the British segment paled in comparison by far..

    maybe they should have let the Chinese design it for them..

  2. It was not good :(

  3. ehmmmm.. bit of a mess wasn't it? who's idea was it to have a hedge on top of a bus? I'm surprised there wasn't a blind man being punched to the ground for the best seat.

    The anxiety of waiting for Boris to do something stupid or inappropriate was unbearable. I kept thinking 'any minute he's going to do a german salute'...

    Oh! and that 2012 london logo looks like a dog's dinner. truly dreadful.

    But.... I actually think London will be a fantastic Olympics (certainly better than the last 2 US Olympics).

  4. I am not a sports fan but I thought it was brilliant and it had me in tears, I am ashamed to say.

  5. Okay but, can you seriously see us being able to host the games in anything approaching as professional a manner os this year?

    For a start, we don't have the space, the weather, the sea conditions etc. Finally, we don't have the money. I am sure the lottery funding could be used for much more worthwhile causes.

  6. I thought it was cheap and crappy. What an example, people throwing newspapers on the floor. People scrambling to get on a bus, even climbing over a disabled man in a wheelchair. And why have an ageing rock star playing a guitar? (No matter how good he may be.)

    It seemed to me as if they were trying to invade a fort! (The top of the bus)

    To me they looked like a load of thieves and vagabond's.

    Very poor show indeed. An opportunity missed.

  7. Would have been more realistic if the bus was late arriving.  

  8. kinda...ghetto?

  9. just look at that no-hope 2012 london logo , no one should raise their expectations too high.

  10. Not as shite as I thought it was going to be, but still a bit poor. Looked like it had been thought up over a coffee. Saved by Jimmy Page, although there's probably few people under 35 who knew who he was. Oh and the animation at the beginning was bit poor too.

    That said, the thing was it was such a contrast to the robotic uniformity (although obviously highly impressive) performances of the Chinese that it made me think that the whole 2012 event will be done completely differently and will be impressive in its own way.

    By 2012 everybody will have forgotten how good the Beijing openings/closings were. anyone remember what they did in Athens? I don't.

  11. Rubbish USA is my native country and they are the best the brits presentation was just too messy and unpredictable!

    Bond 00


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