
So, what kinds of human foods can i feed my small white mouse?

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Thanks! And will he get too lonely by himself?




  1. Feed it anything.  just nothing with sugar and chocolate in it.  or it will be very sick.  i used to have mice. if one died i would get another. i probably  had 8 mice and 16 baby mice in 2 years.  But don't feed it ANYTHING with sugar.

    2 leopard gecko's

    2 hermit crabs

    2 fiddler crabs

    1 Dwarf Rabbit

    1 gerbil

    1 Dog

    Many Fish

  2. carrots,celery sunflower seeds,raisins, nuts, cheese,

  3. i have heard before that mice will eat just about anything, but my little mousy wousy really like a bit of peanut butter from time to time. just loves it.

  4. I've had over 100 mice. They can have bits of cooked chicken, berries, cooked pasta, parsley, dandilion (pesticide free), peas (frozen peas are a good treat in the summer), lima beans, crackers, a piece of cereal, tree nuts in the shell for chewing challenge, the occasional honey roasted peanut or cashew, the occasional chocolate chip. Remember all portions should be tiny and vary what you give them so they don't have too much of one type of food too often. Sugar won't kill them in tiny amounts, like a piece of sugared cereal every once in a while.

  5. Dear Mice Inquirer,

    Yes, mice can become very lonely and depressed if by themselves. It's best if you can keep two or three in one cage, but the same s*x. You can feed your mouse vegetables. I would feed it pretty much carrots, because I have seen that they love them.

    Several fruits as well, such as berries. Keep in mind that you should only feed your mouse "human food" in small amounts, and occasionally. This should not be their entire diet.

    Good luck,

    Pet Rodent Expert

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