
So, which is worse and why?

by  |  earlier

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An insurgent blowing him/herself up to get one enemy and a few innocent civilians (deplorable, I know); or a pilot bombing civilians with almost zero possibility of being shot down (Deplorable I know); or ground forces laying siege on a city with Free Fire orders (deplorable I know).




  1. Huh?  They're all bad if you ask me.

  2. Go smoke another Fattie.  You clearly haven't reached your true potential yet.

  3. Someone who says deplorable that many times in one sentence.  Because it's annoying as h**l.

  4. I think it is all disgusting, War Is Worse (period). That is why before one Super power invades a country they should make d**n sure there is just cause, which anyone with a half of a brain knew when we attacked that it was all political bullsh!t! This administration should face punishment for war crimes for sure! History will tell the truth, at least I hope!

  5. well most of the people that would even have a jet fighter or a bomber would be military and they would be selected targets. might stopp more of those single insurgents that blow themselves up.

  6. They are all equally deplorable.Iraq was not a preemptive war like most cons claim.  Iraq is preventive war. A preventive war is little more than unprovoked conflict, something that is both criminal under international law, and universally considered to be an immoral act. Preemptive war is about self-defense, while preventive war is the channeling of paranoia, or even worse, ulterior motives.

  7. while those are all evil, I'd save the word "deplorable" for a far worse act, Justifying the ending of others lives while invoking the name of God. Those that attacked us on 9/11 did that and our president did that in response. I have no use for either of them.

  8. ?

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