
So, you can make yourself see things then huh?

by  |  earlier

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I was in my room one day and it was bright and my door was open and i was home alone. I was on the computer and not paying attention to anything else. Then out of the corner of my eye I see a tall dark shadow figure walk past my door into my parents room. Before my brain registered what i saw, my head turned instincitvely towards it and I got a huge chill down my whole body. Now i posted that previously and some people told me it was my imagination. Can you tell me please how my imagination can actually allow me to see a moving shadow thats not there? I am 100% sure of what i saw. I was home alone and there was no way it was a passing car or anything cuz that part of my house isn't set up that way. Nothing could have made that it had to have been real. And if it was a shadow from something explainable then why did i get a chill down my whole body before i even knew what i was looking at?




  1. You saw a ghost, or a residual, energy left over, it doesn't know your there. It may play over again. Figure the time you saw it, study and see if it happens again at the same time everyday, or once a week or whatever.

    I saw a dark shadow once, actually I heard it come up the stairs, heavy boots, perhaps a man, and saw a dark shadow from the corner of my eye go into a bed room. I went over to see who it was, no body was in there, or up stairs.

  2. I'm sure it was in your head, You can see anything your mind wants you to see. especially when you are in a very quiet place. ONe of the signs of paranormal activity however is a drop in temperature. but then again, if you were in your house alone, any movement would probably freak you out. even if you didn't know what it was. shut your door, turn your radio up, pray the power doesn't go out, lol, tahts what i would do.  

    Your eyes can fool you, i see shadows and stuff all the time in my house, but my dog isn't constantly freaking out and bighting at the air. you konw, if you stare into the dark for long enough, it will look darker, then lighter, darker, and lighter. its a bizzarre thing, the human mind.  what were you looking at on the computer? something eerie, ghost stories, or something like that? cause that would cause it.


  3. Sounds like a shadow figure.

    If you want more experiences like that., get "How to See Auras" by Ted Andrews and do the exercises in the book. They are simple and will exercise the rods/cones in your eyes to open up your vision.

  4. Only you can decide if you saw something or not.


  5. I believe you. (Those words are priceless when you see a ghost! lol) Hallucinations are what "drs." call things they don't understand.

    One time I saw a shadow..or something..come out of a room at a B&B where I worked. Nobody was renting the room and there was only one other person there and she was downstairs already. I think they're called Shadow People. You can google it.

  6. Yep, doesn't mean it's the best explanation for your experience though.


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