
So... 13 year old girls control the music industry?

by Guest31805  |  earlier

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How are The Jonas Brothers at number 1?

That's a shame... Not that there's much better out there, but still, can't people find ANYTHING better to listen to?

MQ: How much longer will horrible music dominate the charts and when will intelligence return to music?




  1. No they don't, the daddys of 5 year olds are the ones that control the music industry.  

    I like the Jonas Brothers,  but unlike brainless teenage girls, i'm aware that there is better music out there.  

    One of these days, kevin is going to get jelous of Nick and Joe because they are the only ones that sing and they get most of the fans.  He's going to quit the band and say that he did it because he wanted to finish school or something stupid like that.  Nick and Joe are going to invite their younger brother to join the band and then they are going to ruin their career.  Good bye Jonas Brothers.

    And recent studies show that if you play The Jonas Brothers music instead of Mozart when you are pragnant, your baby gets smartter. HA HA HA HA

  2. Well, just think, a half a year from now, they will be forgetten and the little girls will be all over another lip-synching boy band.

  3. I'm wondering-has it been like this since the dawn of popular music?I guess it's all about the shape of the industry and the Mass Media,who funds the artists,etc.

    Maybe,with the internet,we are at the face of new things.Think about the amount of information on music you can find here,on internet communities like this one and people like you voicing their opinions,maybe we will eventually get to a percentage of people and popularize better music.The internet is how I found out about classic rock for example.

  4. lmao

    yes all my Questions r always in Hockey :D

    i guess not much ppl listen to the great music any more they just care about the beat of the song...if it make u wanna move then its  the best :S

    no cares about the lyrics or anything else !!


    IRON MAIDEN rule....

  5. it is up to us to go out and buy something beside jonas as soon as you can get out and put an end to the madness

  6. I agree.  It's sickening.  But in all honesty, the Jonas Brothers are pop music.  Pop=popular.  That means that they're overrated c**p fabricated entirely in a recording studio.  But we can at least smile and know that we have real music on our own personal iPods to listen to.  Horray for iPods!

  7. The sad part about this is that people older than 13 listen to them. I know it's sad but true.

    MQ: Forever. Dumb songs attract the masses. This is always going to be a problem for real music fans.

  8. dude.don't even get me started.

  9. i cant belive im growing up in this society :( well at least i still listen to hardcore stuff :) yay

  10. I know... I hate that my generation will be know for this c**p. Bring back real music already! But hey BB King just released a new album :-)

  11. Haha I know!

  12. There are better bands out there, tons of underground ones.

    They're just popular. Its all what MTV and Disney Channel tell them to listen to. Basically, they control the music industry.

  13. Everything will change when barack obama becomes president. CHANGE!

  14. That is just depressing.

    This is what my generation's going to be remembered for.

  15. I don't even care anymore. I can't explain to you on how much I hate hearing the words "Jonas Brothers".

    Life is good in my own little world.  

  16. lmao, yes i think u should def put it in parenting, so the new generation after these dumb@$$ girls listen to metal and rock!!!!

    Yes, Horrible music will always top the charts as long as there's ppl listening to it, they are brainwashed!! Intelligence will return to music when jonas bros are dead and miley cirus is knocked up, lmao!!

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