Yeah, I don't get it?
My brother is an Aqua dude, with moon & Rising in Sag & I know other Aqua's who are like this....(others who aren't)
Lets go with my bro...he is really nice & talkative, yet most people don't respond well to him. Idk why & I kno it bugs him.
He tries to strike a convo & blah nothing or no one cares.
Is it being tooooo friendly that bother people? That's f*^% Up!
But, some ppl think they are being fake or want something...he's not like that one of the realist ppl I have ever meet says whatever.
Is that intimidating to some (blunt pp)l? Or are they like
Idk...he never says mean things...he just jokes & stuff.
Other Aqua's like that....other peep's meet aqua's like that?
Idk.....Aqua so set up for 'friendships' yet some have trouble making them ya'know? I get confused w/ that sign???? Opinions, explain, etc.........