
So Confused!! Input please onept pregnancy test!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i have been doing some reasearch online and back and forth women are saying that they have taken an ept pregnancy test and that at first it was negative and then it was positive then next day, or after the 10 minute time limit in which you are supposed to read it! And alot of women say that they were in fact pregnant!!!!! My question is how mnay women have had this same thing happen and actually been pregnant!!!




  1. i would read a test in the time limit stated if neg and you think you are pregnant i would retest in 2 to 3 days as your hcg levels are meant to double every few days then you could get a pos, this happened to a friend of mine but not me personally

  2. Hey,  Just wanted to tell you that this happened to me with my last daughter.   I took 4 tests over a few days time.  ALL negative, went to the doctor because I was nervous something was wrong with me.  they took a test at teh office(urine) and it was negative.  THis is 6 weeks after my last period.  I waited another 6 weeks and still no period.  Took a test and it was positive.  thought I was about 6 weeks along then and just had missed a period due to stress.  Went into the dr office to find out I was 12 weeks along.  So, in fact all those earlier tests were wrong, and I had been pg the whole time!!  I know others that this has happened too also.. hope it helps a bit

  3. with my son, I took several tests, and all came back negative.  Positive was only confirmed when I went to the doctor at about 8weeks and she checked my cervix manually.

    go buy a different type of HPT.  With this pregnancy, I used a dollar tree brand, and then backed it up with a CBE digital.

    Good luck!

  4. sorry, but a negative is a negative.  It's just not as sensitive at picking up the hormones.  And your NOT supposed to read it after 10 min.

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