
So David & Victoria are working on having another child. Bless! Any suggestions for names?

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What have we got so far; Brooklyn, Romeo and is it Cruz; I lose track.




  1. That's more information than I need.

  2. If it is a girl they can not really call it princess as Jordan did that .

    It is going to be totally outrageous for sure

  3. They usually name theirs after the place it was conceived, so it could be called Lay-By

  4. What about ha ha ha ha more suiting for the Beckhams!!

  5. OMG not another one, who knows, maybe this one might actually be able to sing (unlike it's mother)

    Anyway, I think they should call it Rebecca!!!!lmfao

  6. lozenge

    as in Los Angeles

  7. If its a girl i would call her any of these  Liliana , Melody, Magenta,Jacqueline,JasmineLynwood, Madison

    if on the other hand was a boy i would call him Linwood,Alexandra,Octavia,Xavier,Jon,Pet...

  8. Those names are correct maybe they will call the next one 'Galaxy' lol well it could be just about anything.

  9. Chavea

  10. Narcissis?


  11. Oh something mental like America Beckham.

  12. No doubt they will find some stupid name.

  13. Anna S,  I'm still laughing.

    Peckham Beckham sounds great

  14. Santa for a boy.

    Barbara for a girl.

  15. Do I not care about those narcissistic muppets, what next an announcement on what they had for breakfast.

    As to baby names , it will be something stupid again, so how about Goldie as in balls or Tarragon as in spice.

  16. LaLa?

  17. Priceless (perfect for a girl or boy).

    They could sell the pictures to sad magazines and make millions.

  18. ' Zero' as in her clothes size.

  19. Try getting out more!!!

  20. Knowing them they will call it Holly or if it is a boy Woody. So if it is twins they will call them Hollywoody.

  21. tomkat after their new best friends in la la land

  22. For someone who purportedly has PCOS and being underweight like she is, she does very well pumping them kids out.

    I always liked the name Rebecca.  I wonder how Victoria would feel about that?!?!?

  23. LA LA

    EDIT - obviously Kay13mph and I are on the same wavelength!

  24. Peckham

    Well if Brooklyn is good enough?

    I liked Michael Jackson's -Prince Michael II, Blanket... i forget the rest but they were all ridiculous.

  25. Timbuktu?


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