
So Hamlin said Keselowski lifted his tires of the ground?

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Yea, I don't think so. It was more of a little bump. Denny sure sounded like an a$$ in the interview...

Forward to 7:10 for the incident and interviews.




  1. I agree the tires didn't lift off the ground, but Keselowski was at fault for the entire incident and they were both obviously very frustrated post-race.

  2. thank you.  i agree.  i thought the whole "you throw a rock, i'll throw a concrete block" quote was a watered down "you grab the bull, you're gonna get the horns".  who wants to throw concrete blocks?  they're so heavy.

    "there were times where i had him cleared except for like, maybe two inches."  sounds like you didn't have him cleared then...

    i think denny wants to be the third jgr "bad boy" but doesn't have the ability to verbally spar with others like tony and kyle do.  but no one ever accused him of being "the sharpest tool in the jgr toolbox."  great competitor, yes, "bad boy," no.

    brad's mistake was not tapping him, it was moving up alongside him afterwards.  he just opened himself up for "retaliation."  

    and junior, though i'm glad he showed some cojones, should have used them as an owner to radio brad's crew chief and say "you tell brad to put the 20 in the wall on the restart, or i'll put brad in the wall."  back up your boy, yes.  fight his fights for him, no.

    ps. if denny had been smart, he would have just slammed on the brakes, then blamed it on kyle.  rowdy can bear the weight.


  3. Yeah, I know. Wow, a freaking bump. You wanna know what Brad probably did when he pulled up alongside him? He was probably trying to apologize. Denny really has to grow up and get a life and realize that just because he's in Cup and Keselowski isn't doesn't mean that Brad can't drive. I think when Brad makes Cup he'll be a great addition.

  4. Just as I said, if wants to race the way he's come accustom too, stay in the Sprint series.. Of course they are going to race you harder in the Nationwide series, that's where you start to make a name for yourself, not pull over for a little Brat to have a Saturday night stroll!!

  5. Denny hamlin is the biggest prick in racing!

  6. Yep, just looked like a little love tap to me.  I think Denny's frustrated at being upstaged by the new kid at JGR.

  7. You people are so biased it is pathetic.  first and most important, Brad should not have bumped Denny under caution.  It was in poor taste and Brad got what he had coming to him for it.

    It is called a caution for a reason, it is not a time to be aggressive, the are workers on the track who deserve to go home at the end of the day and not wind up a casualty to some hissy fit.

    This coming from a group of people that got bent out of shape when Kyle "bumped" Jr.

  8. Yes fluffy, no one really cares about Kyle. His fans are Jr haters and they had a dog in another fight last night.

  9. I think Brad says it best when he says "I race one time a week; I have 200 laps, not 400 laps to prove who I am, to JR motorsports, to the Navy, and to my competitor." What did Denny want, Brad to pull over  and let him go by? It's called Racing.

  10. wanna see something really funny. Watch when the pit crews are fighting and way off in the background you see Kyle doing his burnout. That is just too funny. Kyle wins the race and the media just ignores him.

  11. Even if his tires were lifted off the ground, what harm is that going to do at 55 mph?  Now, going 185 through the tri-oval, and someone lifts your tires off the ground, then you're in trouble.  Hamlin was more upset that he actually had to race Brad, when he thinks Brad should have pulled over and let him go by.  I'm not defending Brad, but Hamlin definitely came off looking like the bigger cry baby in this incident.

  12. Awwww, did ums get a skwatch on the shiny car.

    Denny, get a life dude. You sounded like an a$$hole....

    That was a love trap reminding Denny to race square.

    Two inches is not clear, and should Brad let you go just because you are a Nextel/Sprint Cup driver.

    What a weenie.

  13. Denny has been around Tony too much- he does nothing wrong and the rest of the field doesn't know how to drive.  

    And, I agree, I didn't see his tires come off the ground (when I watched it back).

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