
So Hillary supporters how many of you are rushing to vote for mccain?

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really curious to know how the republicans ploy of setting a token woman up as vp has gone over with hillary supporters? I personally am not falling for it. I myself supported hillary not just cuz she was a woman but a woman who could do the job and was offended by the republicans efforts to try and get the women vote. How about the rest of ya?




  1. 1 in 10 are already committed to McCain and the numbers are expected to go as high as 50%

  2. Women voters are more sophisticated than they are given credit for.

  3. McCain will learn American male voters aren't that shallow and American female voters aren't that stupid on Nov 4th.

  4. Hmm lets see...would I take Obama who is similar to Hillary and a vice president I like. Or an old man who can't remember how many houses he has along with his religious nut vice president.

  5. After she called Hillary a "whiner".

    You are kidding, correct?

  6. I'm not so sure he was after the female clinton supporters.  I think his target was all ultra conservatives that hope he'll have an ultra conservative available if he dies during his term. The conservatives know that mccain is no conservative, that's why they are having trouble wanting to vote for him.  Moderates need to think about this, McCain can almost be considered a moderate, but an extremist is one bad day away from the presidency if he wins.

  7. I am !!It is not about falling for it!!It is about what is right!!With all of that's going on in this world,it is important to pick the right president!!Obama ran a lil to early in his career!!!

  8. As a Hillary supporter I ( and many, many ,others) were smart enough to realize what the real ploy was : The Pelosi, Dean led DNC preselected the candidate (Obama). Throw in Obama's  self described "mentor" (Rev Wright) and Ayers, Dohrn and Rezo and we have either a person with -very- poor judgment or a sleazy individual (I think the latter).

    Palin and McCain have my vote.^

    Edit - Love your response "mary z",  touché!

  9. Republicans must think that all woman are stupid because they must think that the woman will vote on appearances and not what Sarah must stand for.

  10. I do not think the Democrats should be talking about "token candidates."

  11. The funny part of this question is what would make anyone think the people that are answering weren't already for  Obama or McCain. Nobody on here is going to have a change of politics. They are here to bash one another. Like a virtual WWF only with politics.

  12. I was not happy with Hillary not getting either spot, however, I'm not dumb enough to shoot myself in the foot out of spite.  I admire Governor Palin's accomplishments to date but the fact that she's a woman will not get my vote.  She still supports the Republican ticket which I simply cannot afford any longer.

  13. well i was never for hillary in the first place. but yes i would vote for mcain now. and i am totally against what obama says

  14. hilary supporters aren't stupid.  they aren't going to vote someone just because she is a woman.  hillary and palin are very, VERY different on the issues.  palin makes mccain less appealing to me.

  15. If 10% of Hillary supporters vote for McCain, that will be very significant in the race.

  16. Most of them

    2 reasons

    1] they want a woman president

    2} revenge for Obama stopping Hillary from becoming president

  17. I'm sick of the whole 'token woman' talk.

    Since when did women become this stupid, or at least have this opinion of being this stupid?

    Do Democrats realize that there are Republican women? That want a woman who represents them in Washington as much as Hillary supporters did. OMG, we exsist. We love Gov. Palin, stop this comparison, because frankly there isn't any. Clinton and Palin are exact political opposites.

  18. "No way, no how, no McCain"

    That's all I got to say

  19. McCain's choice of VP has convinced me to vote for Obama. Hillary completely disagrees with this woman on every single issue, save they both love their children and husbands. Outside of that, Palin is anti-everything Hillary and I stand for. Go Obama!

  20. A lot more than the Obama camp wants to admit !!

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama!!


  21. Yeah, because if you squint hard enough, Palin looks JUST like Hillary. Providing you also have a lobotomy.

  22. Not me! I'm backing Obama now. Fuc* John Mccain and miss beauty queen, and the rest of the Republicans.

  23. It was a blatant act of offense against all intelligent women to throw Hockey Mom Palin on the ballot just to gain Hillary's supportors.  Palin is the polar opposite of everything that Hillary Clinton and most women stand for.  

    Not me.  No way, no how, NO MCCAIN

  24. I am a Hillary supporter voting McCain. But Palin did not change my vote, though I feel better about it now.

    Obama changed my vote.

    If he is so one-sided that he would completely ignore the moderate end of his party, and not even vet our moderate candidate, Hillary Clinton, then he will definitely not be a good president for us moderates.

    I feel much better about McCain.

  25. Thank you for being rational. Apparently McCain thinks that women will vote for a women just because she is a woman. What an obvious insult to women this is. It burns me up when I think of her calling Hillary a "whiner" just because she wanted to stay in the primary battle. I was a Hillary supporter but I was an Obama supporter too. No way, No how, No McCain.  

  26. I as a hillary clinton supporter will be voting for Obama come this november, Mccain is a slimeball plain and simple!

  27. I'm an older Independent, close to Senator Clinton's age.

    I thought this choice was nothing less than poor judgment on Senator McCain's part after meeting Mrs. Palin one time last Spring and talking on the phone with her one time only a few days before he made this decision. My immediate thought was what if something were to happen to Senator McCain....

    I too see it as a political tactic, not only for the female voters and Clinton supporters, but for the Pro-Life Vote.

    Mrs. Palin's insulting Senator Clinton's 'womanhood' twice in a News Week interview and saying she wasn't a woman that she could support, I found to be very unattractive, only to turn around and sing her praises on the day she was introduced. This choice in a VP certainly hasn't swayed me in any form to vote for McCain. If anything it further cemented the reasons I shouldn't.

  28. I think she was a great choice and hope Obama can use her in developing Energy policies.  As to the die hard Hillary supporters, who don't really support her, I bet they are in a state of confusion.  They just got the slats knocked out.   (Old expression for losing support)

    And I don't understand prople talking about her policies.  As Governor of Alaska did she make that many statements about National Policy?  It appears to me she concentrated on issues she could affect.  She came out of no where and has done a great job.  I think all women should be proud of her and not put her down because of McCain's choice.  My daughters have done well in their own right but if one of them did what she's done I would be very proud.  And she's the only one on the ticket that has demonstrated real administrative expertise.  Instead of putting her down as a Hockey Mom why not say, Wow! A Hockey Mom can do that?!'

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