
So Hong Kong don't want him either?

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Gary Glitter's not having a lot of luck is he? Does this mean he'll have to come back to Britain and face the music after all?




  1. i do hope so he is a scumbag think all his music royalties should be taken and given to childline or simular

  2. Yes they don't want him in their gang either.

  3. They should sent him to Never Never Land and let Whacko Jacko have him.

  4. What a shame. The Chinese know what to do with scum like him.

  5. you bet ye.

  6. Maybe he'll do us all a favour and top himself.

  7. ha ha his fake heart attack should've been real...we all know what happened to the boy that cried wolf

    plus what goes around comes around

  8. he will probably end up here pampered and protected like all other vile paedophiles...just shoot the creep so he cant harm any other children...these people never change..evil

  9. hope not, lets leave him being sent to every country in the world and they all chuck him out! for ever and ever and ever

  10. I would love to get hold of him and all the other sickos out there.

  11. i don't think he will. he will swindle his way into anther country.

    if e comes here he will be hounded like the dog he is..

  12. They should just shoot the paedo and be done with it

    Wow the T,Downer obviously thinks Glitter is ok ..sick eh?

  13. Only England will take him, eh?

  14. they should have just threw him out the

    plane in flight, problem solved.

  15. I agree with Scotch Mist's answer......

  16. Unfortunately we can`t refuse the scumbag entry.They should bring back the death penalty for low lifes like him.

  17. Oh dear my heart bleeds for him....NOT ... yes he will come back to England and hopefully he will face the wrath of the British people, he is nothing more than a scummy filthy pervert, I can only hope the people of England will make his remaining days an utter misery.

  18. This is turning bizarre.

    Perhaps Glitter thinks he can just keep flying around the world, trying to enter different countries until (a) he runs out of countries, (b) he runs out of money, or (c) he actually finds a country (other than the UK) that will let him in.

    Or maybe he'll just give up and come back to Blighty after all.

    There is one other option open to him - with his fortune I'm sure he can afford to buy a remote and deserted island somewhere. Perhaps the British Government, instead of letting him back in, should encourage him to do that instead.

  19. The only reason he doesn't want to come back here . Is little girls aren't on tap for him . But he will be back . In his arrogance he thinks he can sneak back in without the publicity . The publicity is something he is trying to avoid . What are they going to do anyway put him on a register . As his offences are older than 6 months old they can't arrest him . The law is an ***  Unfortunately for him the British public will not let it go

  20. d**n Right He Should I Praise The Hong Kong Goverment For Rejecting Him He Will Come Back And I Am Sure He Will Have A .........Pleasent Welcome HEE HEE

  21. I hope so. Every country should reject him and then he should come back here and face whatever measures are in place to deal with people like him. I hope he never gets to leave the UK again and is too sick to go out there and ruin the lives of any other children and their families.  

  22. Yeah, they should just kill him

    to be honest if he does come back to Britain, what are the government realistically gonna do?

  23. I hope he is shoved from here to there and each place refusing to grace his vile presence. I hope there is no hiding place for him and that he is followed and hounded until he dies a long and ghastly death...  

  24. I'm usually against the death penalty, but he is a sick man and is of no use to anybody. He doesn't even acknowledge what he has done is wrong. He will only go on to do more harm. We would all be better off if he was dead.

  25. I don't think ANYONE wants him.  Even his own mother must be turning  in her grave!

    Chuck him to a bunch of parents in a room - that is the best punishment the perverted jerk could get.

    Vile - vile excuse for a man.


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