
So How Much Debt DO we Owe the Americans?

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A `Mastermind` contestant cites figures and casualties of US aid to Britain during WWII as enormous, with over one million men fighting on that D-Day beach in Normandy.

OK. OK. But Britain accrued a bankrupting war debt on account of accepting US intervention- a debt which it is still paying off not only monetarily but by way of manpower support for US foreign policies.

Alot of things wrong with the British economy, such as foreign domination of shops and restaurants, not to mention redevelopment might arise from Britain`s moral debt to the Americans which it takes as seriously as its financial one..




  1. Uk pays of WW2 loans in 2006

    As a result, the UK took a loan for $586m (about £145m at 1945 exchange rates), and a further $3,750m line of credit (about £930m at 1945 exchange rates). The loan was to be paid off in 50 annual repayments starting in 1950, although there were six years when payment was deferred because of economic or political crises.

    And while the UK dutifully pays off its World War II debts, those from World War I remain resolutely unpaid. And are by no means trifling. In 1934, Britain owed the US $4.4bn of World War I debt (about £866m at 1934 exchange rates). Adjusted by the Retail Price Index, a typical measure of inflation, £866m would equate to £40bn now, and if adjusted by the growth of GDP, to about £225bn.

    "We just sort of gave up around 1932 when the interwar economy was in turmoil, currencies were collapsing," says Prof Harrison.

  2. every countrys in debt.

  3. Not as muc has we Americans owe China... ahh irony

  4. That should not be the question, it should be how much does the Axis countries owe the Allies.

    They started the war, freedom comes at a cost

  5. Do you realize that the Federal Reserve (Central Bank) is completely detached from the government? The U.S. government BORROWS money from the fed. and in return is charged with INTEREST--that's why nobody can ever get out of debt.

  6. Roughly 1 year and 3 months less than we owe Australia, Canada and all the other countries that fought with us, not because Germany had invaded them (or they had been attacked by a sympathetic country).  But because they saw Hitler had to be stopped.

    I think we owe Australia and Canada a great deal.

  7. u no wot we r all screwed anyway

  8. My suggestion....cut off the Royal Family and make them get REAL jobs!!  Or, seize their assets and pay off the debt.

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