
So... How much money is in your account(s)? ?

by  |  earlier

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.Im looking for a GF... or a boyfriend, depends on the amount. LOL J/K

Seriously though, how much?


Please do not say, Im not telling or something stupid like that. If you dont wanna say, dont answer. Idiot.







  1. After tonight we'll be down to $146. Gotta make the house payment and such.

  2. Not enough...and the one that does have something worth anything in it, we can't touch. = [

    *If you must know it's an insurance policy from my fiance's father who passed away in March. We can use it if we need to but would rather save it for bills and things the kids and house need. How is that worthy of a thumbs down? Was just referring to our personal account doesn't have much in it...god.

  3. £9.76. Im so rich lol =]

  4. $ 5,136.17

  5. 403.79 in one account


  6. Cash on hand....$30 in one account and $7 in the other.  The monthly bills are paid and I have no credit card or outstanding debt anywhere.  I think it more important to know someones outstanding debt than what they have in the bank.  Life is good here in poorville and I am happy.

  7. $671.52  :(

  8. 43.17...and its pay day....your in luck!

  9. Around $3,000. Would you like my bank account number also???  ;)

  10. Nevermind the bank account, how about how much is in the toy drawer...

  11. £200...enough?

  12. I just checked my balance.  I have $1,826.56.

  13. A little over $2,000 but pretty much all of it is going straight towards college expenses :(

  14. well in our joint we have a grand but it's all about to be used on bills

    in my personal a whole whopping $134! woo hoo!

  15. Well, in my checking I have right around $1,900

    & in my savings I have about $5,000

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