
So I'm Doing Homeschooling And I Cant Get Motivated, Any Ideas?

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I just cant stay interested!

No matter what I do I just don't want to work.

Anyone know how to get interested in schoolwork?

Help Me!!!




  1. maybe because you're not in your workplace. for me, i dont get motivated if im at home. all i want to do is relax. you know what i mean...


  2. Doing your work is a choice, you either decide to do it, or not.

    You know the rewards, and consequences of each.

    I often do not "feel" like doing something, or am not interested in doing something, but that does not take away my responsibility to do it.

    My advice, not interested? Open your books, and do the work.

  3. Usually, in this case, your most like to be lazing around doing nothing. If you wish to get motivated, find a teaching technique that interests you or find other homeschooling buddies to work with!!! When your by yourself, you basically don't wanna do anything!

  4. You don't have to be interested in your schoolwork to do it. Stop thinking that you are supposed to stay interested and that's what will keep you going because it doesn't have to have anything to do with it!

    You can still work even if you don't want to work, just like you can take medicine you hate, but need to take, even if you don't want to take it. You think diabetics WANT to inject insulin every day?

    On some level, they do, and this is where you can change your thinking and help yourself out. Diabetics on some level want to take their insulin because they want to stay alive. What reason do you have for doing your school work? You want a diploma, an education, you want to feel smarter, finish a unit by this weekend... Figure it out. Then figure out what sort of schedule you need to follow each day so you can have what you want. It's best to set up a long-term goal, then each week set up smaller goals. Then your focus has nothing to do about whether you are interested in the school work or not, but focus on accomplishing what you want to accomplish. This is how the majority of good students get their grades--it's NOT because they just naturally love all the subjects they are studying.

  5. Don't "do schoolwork." What are your interests? What are your hobbies? In what are you interested. Find a subject you love, then explore it FULLY. Don't just head to the library. Find experts in the field, mentors, and work with them (volunteer if necessary).

    Interested in veterinary medicine? Study biology, chemistry and other related fields. Go to a local vet, express interest, and ask to volunteer there.

    Interested in cooking? Study cookbooks (what makes a recipe work?), the science of cooking, history of foods, go to a local culinary institute and enroll.

    Mechanical? Build something. Or take something apart. Learn its intricacies. Create your own something. Patent it. Market it. Sell it.

    Love to dance? Study dance history, kinesiology, physiology, practice a LOT, attend performances, choreograph, perform.

    The great thing about homeschooling is that you no longer have to follow the textbook/workbook model. If you're not motivated, figure out what you DO like to do, then follow that interest to the fullest.

    Best of luck!

  6. It helps me to establish a routine.  For example I get up, turn on the coffee, get dressed (hair makeup and shoes) wipe down the bathroom and throw a load of laundry in.  I do this every morning.  I've recently added stretching and meditation.  The rest of the stuff I do with a 15 minute timer.  I tell myself that I only have to do it for 15 minutes and then I can quit.  After the timer goes off though I'm usually into it enough to keep working longer.  If I'm not then I set the timer again and do something else for 15 minutes.  Then I go back to work for the next 15 minutes.

    Might help... might not!

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