
So I'm excited and I want to know your opinion?

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Whether you disagree or agree, please be respectful and polite when you answer. I shalln't hold my breath for that, but oh well.

The state of New Jersey has filed a bill that may make Same s*x marriage legal in New Jersey:*y-marriage-nj/

Although the bill isn't gaining that much support in the state's legislature, this may not stop it. Here in New Jersey civil unions are prevelant. You may get married here in New Jersey, but that will only grant some rights and benefits of marriage. If you live in New Jersey, and get married in California or Massachusetts and come back, you get (for the most part) FULL rights and benefits of marriage.

But New Jersey is looking to make FULL MARRIAGE legal.

I hope it happens and I hope the bill is passed or at least recieves the majority vote. Most people in New Jersey, according to the poll, doesn't have a problem with New Jersey issuing same s*x marriage licenses.

I live in New Jersey and I'm gonna vote for it if it becomes a voting matter!

What do you think???





  1. Love is love no matter what gender you are.

  2. I think same s*x marriage should be legal everywhere. They're no different, why should we discriminate against them? Personally, I have no reason why somebody else's marriage is of any interest to me, and I have no problem with it.

  3. omg! thts great! im not g*y but its great when it makes lots of people happy!

  4. i think that all people should be allowed to marry if they both agree. i am a bisexual woman and i, at one point in time, would have liked nothing more than to propose to my lover. however, this is an issue we will have to fight for many years to see fully achieved. good luck new jersey

  5. Come to Massachusetts and get married it's closer.  We were the first to legalize it and took a lot of c**p for it.  I think it is a horrible crime against g**s to keep them from marriage.  They claim it is a bond between a man and a woman only and sacred.  Give me a break it's time all 50 states legalize and allow g**s to get married.

  6. I think there's a fairly good shot of it passing (yay!) since there's now a precedent for passing same s*x marriage bills.  As for my opinion on same s*x marriage - I think everyone should be able to marry any other human over the age of 18 regardless of gender or s*x or race.  Marriage is a legal institution and that legal institution should be available to everyone in the US (and the world).  I feel that churches, synagogues, mosques, etc, have the right to refuse to marry anyone they want for whatever reason they want.  The courts however (the legal institution santifying marriage) should marry everyone.

  7. whats so wrong for sticking up to something you believe in. heck love comes in all shapes sizes, genders, races. whos to stop it? loves love.

  8. i think it's wonderful :)  everyone should have the right to make a spouse miserable and understand why there are so many marital jokes!!!  i don't care what anyone says:  it's not the same after you get married...  it's better and worse (hence the vows, right???)  and i wish you all the luck in the world, whether ur with that special someone today or you just want the opportunity when you find "the one"  GL :)

  9. I think that's awesome. Now that california has done made it legal it looks like other states might be following.

    Plus if it's in the news I can see what my dad thinks of it.

    (I'm not sure if he's homophobic or not)

  10. Thats really good news for you!!!!! :D Just a step closer to equality!

  11. I'm from NJ too, and I think it is great.  Governor Corzine has said that he supports g*y marriage but does not want it to be a battle that interferes with the November presidential elections - after the elections are over, I'd assume that full marriage benefits will be granted in NJ.  The supreme court of NJ already ruled that there must be equality under the law for straight and g*y unions, so it is just a matter of time.  

  12. I think its awesome and about fricken time! I'm so happy things and people are finally starting to move and try and better understand the issue.  

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