
So I'm going out with this guy....?

by  |  earlier

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We've been going out about a week and a half and I've noticed, he is constantly flirting with other girls older than him. I don't get it! I mean, he likes me a lot and stuff and he always says they're "just friends". I mean, now I'm a little less... jealous but I still don't know what to do about it!!!





  1. You should definitely communicate to him how it makes you feel; uncomfortable, angry etc. It is totally natural for you to feel jealous, nothing wrong with that. Pick a spot where the two of you can both communicate without distractions. Don't attack him with accusations, but instead ask questions. Sometimes people just aren't aware of their actions and how it makes another person feel, until you point out their actions. Good luck!!

  2. If it bothers you, tell him how you feel.

    If you tell him how you feel and he still doesn't stop then he doesn't respect your feelings & you deserve better.

  3. you need to tell him if he's going to flirt with other girls then he doesn't deserve you

  4. please listen to me, and go find someone else if he's doing this so soon into the relationship it's most likely to get worse, you're very pretty and there are a lot of other guys who would give you more respect. good luck!

  5. If it makes you uncomfortable, then you should talk to him about it. Communication is essential to make relationships work. If he is really into you, then perhaps he is just a naturally flirty guy, or feels insecure and only knows that way to act around girls. He may even be doing it as a test to see if you get jealous, to gauge how much you like him. Either way, have a chat with him and sort it out.  

  6. tell him how you feel and that you would like him to stop.  he should have his full attention on you

  7. Don't worry about it.

    My best friend is a guy,

    and he has a bunch of other friends

    that are girls, and all the girlfriends

    he's had always get jealous.

    Trust him when he says they're just friends.

    The only reason you shouldn't trust him is if he

    has a reputation of cheating or something.

  8. Nobody is worth getting Jealous over, it only hurts you.  If you don't like him for who he is, then move on, I'm sure he will make a good friend.  If he stops looking at other girls, then you may have some issues to discuss.  Jealousy is Natural and so is sulferic acid, and both will corrode your flesh, and cuase your hair to fall out... Do not Choose to be Jealous or Justify keeping that poison in your life, what you are up against is real life, and a bunch of dillusional people who are conditioned to believe it should be different, or fit better into there Idealism.

  9. if he keeps it up then i think u should end it.. the worst thing u can do is be jealous becouse if somethin heppens and u guys break up its goign to be hard to see the people he flirted with the same.. and also just kepp an open mind..

  10. probably really are just friends, chill out. this goes the same for guys and girls, if who ur dating flirts and stuff or if someone flirts with them, its not a very big deal as long as they know thyre place and dont do anything stupid

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