
So I'm going to a Muay Thai thing tomorrow! HELP!!!?

by  |  earlier

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What are somethings I should look for .... you know, I don't want to get ripped off with an aerobics class.... any ideas!!!!




  1. trry 2 or 3 classes out make sure they are showing you kicks and punches some self defense a mix of everything

  2. Here's what a typical Muay Thai workout involves... Obviously the program differs from gym to gym but this is how my gyms workouts go (and this goes for beginners too):

    Before class we always start off with some basic stretching to loosen up. It’s important to stretch all parts of the body because if you forget an area you will be sure to be sore the day after. When the class begins we start a super intense warm-up. The warm-up differs class to class but usually consists of the following:

    * 5 minutes of skipping

    * 2 Minutes of Jumping Jacks

    * 2 Minutes of mountain climbers

    * 5 minutes of skipping

    * 50 pushups

    * 50 curlups front

    * 25 curlups left side

    * 25 curlups right side

    * 5 minutes of skipping

    * 2 minutes of squat jumps

    * 2 minutes of lunges

    Each warm-up also has a couple random things like leg lifts or Chinese pushups in between.

    After this we usually do a few partner warm-ups activities like wheel barrel pushups where one person holds the feet of the other person above the ground while they do pushups, partner sit-ups where we hold a Thai pad over our heads and pass it back and forth while doing sit-ups, or Leg thrown downs where one person raises his fully stretched legs up while this partner throws them to the ground.

    After the physical training part of the warm-up is over we usually do a 3 minute warm-up on the Thai pads where one partner calls out certain attacks such as "Jab Cross Uppercut" and the other performs the moves against the pads.

    When this is done we proceed into the learning part of the class where we gather in the center to be instructed on the particular technique of focus for the class. The instructor will demonstrate the technique and discuss why it is effective, when it should be used, and how to properly perform the technique. We practice this technique usually by itself first, then we put it into a combo to learn how it would work in a real fighting situation. We usually repeat this process for a couple of techniques and then its time for the burnout.

    The burnout finishes off the class with an intense cardio combat workout. A typical burnout consists of performing as many of a certain few attacks as possible in a certain time limit. One method of burnout is called elevators where you begin by doing something like 1 kick with the right leg, then 1 kick with the left leg, and then elevating it to 2 kicks each for each leg for the next turn then 3 and so on. We go as fast as we can to elevate to the highest number possible in the time limit while still trying to perform proper technique.

    Lastly we cool down and relax with some stretches, as we try to catch our breath from the intense burnout.

    Hope this helps

  3. Well, if you come back home with bruises, then, you're in a Muay Thai class

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