
So I'm heading to uni tomorrow and I'm going to meet friends i've made through facebook. What do i talk about?

by  |  earlier

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I'm heading off to university tomorrow, staying in residence and i want to make the best first impression on the people i'm going to be living with for the next year. I've made a few friends through facebook, any suggestions as to how i would start/make conversation with these people once i meet them in person?




  1. ask them what courses they're studyin, how their summer was? if they're looking forward to uni, did they register yet,  

  2. The usual stuff, Don't let it go awkward it will be h**l

  3. Talk about whatever it was you chatted about on facebook.  A good icebreaker is to talk about their facebook pictures/profile and go from there.  Just don't try too hard to make an impression....honestly just be yourself.

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