
So....I'm not all that experienced when it comes to s*x....should i tell her?

by  |  earlier

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hey guys.I'm kinda new to dating and i have a feeling i'm gonna be seeing this girl sometime.I know its a little ways down the road, but if it eventually gets here, should I let her know?Cause I mean, thats not really somethin a girl wants to hear is it?But at the same time, if I'm not the greatest thing ever in bed, i want her to at least know why and not think i can't do better, ya know?




  1. Ask her to teach you, if she likes you you'll be sure to get some practice. Oh yeah, and be unselfish, learn how to use your mouth! :-)

  2. be honest with her if she is a good girls she will understand and think its sweet

  3. She will understand.. I hope, and I am guessing she is not a virgin, so maybe when it gets to that time she will show you the ropes, lol.

  4. A lot of girls prefer guys who aren't as experienced. It means you haven't slept with a bunch of s***s.

    Girls don't care as much as people think. Make her feel special and loved and she won't care what your like in bed.

    Try and remember that guys are the ones obsessed with s*x, not girls.  

  5. DEFINITELY tell her.

    If this relationship is worth pursuing, then honesty is always best. I would be happy if I found out the guy I was dating was a virgin, seeing as I'm a virgin myself. Do you know her sexual past?

    Real women don't mind how experienced a guy is, they like the guy for who they are.

  6. Yeah I don't know what you heard but a lot of girls like it when you are honest with them especially if she is intelligent.  A woman like to here that cause that can make them more comfortable now there are some girls who insensitive to something like that but you don't need to be dating somebody like that.  Most women will be patient with you especially if you ask what she likes and want to get her off.  So tell her and she will be patient if she is the type of girl i think she is.  And man ain't nothing wrong with researching that subject on the internet it can help a lot to do it.    

  7. Yeah, tell her. She’ll understand. It’s better to explain now than after you’ve done something awkward.  

  8. first thing.. u gotta be confident.. havent u seen movies? u shud've got an idea atleast as to how they make out.. and if its the girls first time too,, then u dont have to be scared at all.. coz she'll be nervous too.. So be a man.. and make the first move.. if not. u'll regret later.. believe me.. u'll regret..  

  9. don't tell long as your not a total idiot s*x is not that complicated and confidence gets you a long you can use thing time to practice lol...

  10. Just say im not all that experianced.. and girls understand. It will be fine.. And when your with someone you really like. Its always good :)

  11. What makes people think that men or women are looking for someone with allot of experience in bed?

    If I were a girl, I would want a guy that hasn't slept with every frigging girl he met.

    As a Guy, I wouldn't look at a girl twice if I knew she slept with many guys.

  12. dude tell her!

    Or would you rather look like an idiot in bed because you tried to act experienced but failed to show.

  13. Dont stress about something that hasnt happend yet. When it does happen. Just go with the flow. Go with the flow. You might find she's not that experiencd herself.

  14. no way mate full fill her desire to have you[fake it] you can mate when you cant do anymore of knocking go with the tongue mate don't ever say to yourself your not'' a goer''

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