
So I'm thinking about going to Argentina for college, how would I go about making it happen?

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So my other question I said that I really want to travel so now i'm thinking that I should go to Argentina to expierience a new life and improve my Spanish at the same time and meet new friends..

So what do I need to do?

What forms do I need?

By the way, i'm 18




  1. You must first apply to the Argentine program of your choice. State schools in Argentina, such as the University of Buenos Aires, do not charge tuition. Private schools, such as the University of Palermo, do charge tuition. You should be moderately fluent in Spanish to be able to keep up with your classes. You may want to take some refresher classes if you don't feel confident in your Spanish skills.

    Once you have applied and have been admitted to a program, you must apply for a student visa. You will need to visit your nearest Argentine consulate or embassy to process the necessary paperwork. Your school should assist you with this process, as it can be tedious. The Embassy in DC has a good website with useful information:

  2. First Question! You Don't Like the U.S.A? If you do Like the U.S.A Then Join the Navy, Or  the Army!

  3. Come here! Argentina is the best place in the world where you can live! Football,great foods( our meat is the greatest),nice white people,good schools where to study, nice weather ,sea,mountains,snow,waterfalls,deserts,p...

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