
So I'm working on making a video podcast...?

by  |  earlier

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It's going to be about commercials, I have a few questions...

1.Will I need to include copyright things(idk what) since they are commercials?

2. If I upload each episode to youtube, will I still need to host it somewhere?

3. I really have no clue about this RSS feed hosting thing. I know that I can do it through Blogger, which I will probably do. Could someone explain what this is and things, preferably at a 13 year olds understanding level?




  1. At some point you have to give in to the fact that you're 13 and you might need to get more computer experience before you jump ahead to something ambitious. If you can understand what I am saying below, then you're all set. To answer your questions in order:

    1. Yes, commercials are copyrighted. You have to get permission from the advertiser.

    2. It depends how fancy you want to get. Your viewers can't put it on their ipod, but if they subscribe to YOU on youtube, they will get email whenever you post a new episode, and then they can click on the email to go to youtube and watch.

    3. Same for Blogger. They get a notification and then they go to your Blogger site to watch. If you want them to be able to get it on their ipod, upload to a website and learn how to capture the RSS code, or use a hosting site that is just for podcasts. They will tell you your RSS code. Both of these options cost $5.00 - $10.00 per month depending on how many listeners you have, and how many back episodes you plan to store.


  2. Do you mean like holding a webshow or something? Cuz then no, no copyrights. Cuz u can sent 2 juvy!

    2) Hosting? Like a webshow? I think you should just like do a weekly webshow and then upload it. But you gotta let me know so I can watch it! Good luck.

    3) I have no idea. Sorry.

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