
So I've decided to get therapy, now what?

by  |  earlier

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I've been on depression meds for a couple of years, but I still don't feel the best. It's time for me to do the other half and get therapy. But I don't know what to talk about. Nothing specifically is bothering me. The worst thing I can think of is that my childhood wasn't the best, but I was never abused, and I had to move a few years ago and I don't like it here. Big whoop! Are these things therapy worthy?

And did this help you in any way?

thank you




  1. Yes, they are, because they are big barriers for you.  Ask your doc if he/she has any suggestions about good therapists.  Sounds like you need s counselor- could be an MSW social worker, or a psychologist, etc.

    Meet with a counselor- if you aren't comfortable with that person, find someone you do click with.

  2. You never know what's lurking in your brain until someone else points it out to you. It's pretty similar to the way we'll never know what we look like through other peoples' eyes; all we see is our reflection in the mirror, but that is always going to be subjective.  There's a lot of beauty we don't see, and there's a lot of pain we don't see as well. People need each other to help us see the truth.

    What I'm getting at is that your feeling that there's nothing really substantial enough to justify going to therapy underestimates your complexity as a human being. The things a (decent) therapist will see are patterns in your behavior, things that motivate you, things that make you uncomfortable and perhaps even scared.  I mean hey!  You've been depressed - there's a reason for that and it deserves attention!  It's not all chemical, you know.  There's something there that's causing it, and it certainly doesn't have to come from your family or past abuse or anything obvious.  And you deserve to find out what that stuff is, but like I said, it takes two to figure it out.

    And sometimes we just need to talk. Especially to someone who won't judge us, but who will always be interested in everything we have to say. Ah, but the question is: what to talk about.  Well, you needn't worry about that one.  Any therapist will have enough questions to ask you that you won't need to "come up" with anything.  I have days where I just sit and sigh, not having anything to say (or not wanting to expend the energy to say it).  My therapist will have plenty of things to help guide the conversation along.  Sometimes we just sit and tell jokes.  But in the end, they bring the words out of you.  And any answer you give is a good one - even "idunno"  : )

    Does therapy help me?  Definitely yes.  Has it "cured" me?  Honestly, not even close.  But sometimes it has to get worse before it gets better. But I'm certain that I don't have a snowball's chance in heck  without it. For you, therapy will be exactly what you put into it; if you're not into it, if you're bored or just not seeing the benefits, it won't help very much.  And that's okay, but you won't know until you've tried.

    In the end, I'd have to say that my therapist helps me keep it together, and more than anything, he helps me see myself in ways that I could never see alone.  

    And that's worth its weight in gold.


  3. Therapy's not usually about uncovering some big trauma, hopefully it'll help you find some new coping strategies ,as what you're doing now isn't working for you.

    Don't worry about trying to find stuff to talk about, that's what your therapist is there for!

    All you can do is give it a try, and hopefully it'll help with the stuff your medication isn't working with.

    I hope it works for you.

  4. The therapy may not even delve into your childhood. It may instead be cognitive therapy that helps you figure out some solutions to why you feel the way you do and find different thought processes you can use to cope. I believe if you get with a good therapist it is very worthwhile. I hope you are soon feeling better.  

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