
So I've learned to separate my consciousness from my body at will, how do I market this skill?

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I'm pretty good at finding lost golf balls, missing jewelry, runaway pets, of course spying on people (which is not as much fun as you might think), i stay away from finding lost or kidnapped people, far too depressing... any ideas?




  1. that's called astral traveling. :)  

  2. How about opening a private investigator service?  It sounds like you're perfect for the job.

  3. Yes, there are some very important things you can do:

    1. Go to the future and bring back items that can be made with today's tools and materials.

    2. Look for cures, for diseases. You'll need a trained biophysicist to task you with for this.

    3. Write prolifically on the subject. Let people know what can be done.

    4. Learn a form of energy healing and USE IT!

    5. Don't work for any government or corporate think tank.

  4. Two Words... "Amazing Randi". If you are legit, a million dollars is waiting for you. Award ends in 2010, so you better hurry.

  5. No market...I'd just go hang out in women's locker rooms....

  6. Astral projection is dangerous. Suppose you die while astral projecting? Your spirit and and anybody's spirit for that matter is not supposed to come out of the body like that unless God himself allows it. When somebody astral projects it leaves themselves vulnerable to all kinds of demonic spirit. And plus it is unethical to be spying in people's houses.  

  7. Go for the Randy challenge dude, they will offer a million dollars to anyone that has legit abilities. I will be rooting for you. Use the force luke. Go an win that prize money and do it for the scientific community, and remember; we're all counting on you.

  8. I'm guessing your talents increase with the amount of b y b.Don't even bother with Randi's challenge.Once you've demonstrated it to the world.1 million will be chump change.

  9. that's funny...i know a lot of people like that. they don't market their skills.

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