
So I am 16, I have been going through court since september trying to move to my Dads, My questoin is...

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Now I have learned I am not happy with my mom nor my Dad I really just want to be on my own, I know alot teens say this but I am verry responisible for being 16, so I want to ask for a inmancipation, I am looking for a job & I do ok in school.

SO I guess is what i'm asking is how much of a chance do I have getting that? If my parents are not abusive I'm not in danger, but they do make me want to run away all the time I cant stand my life i'm consistently depressed... & I just really want to be on my own.




  1. First off, it is emancipation. You won't be able to pay for an apartment, food, clothing, bills, and anything you want while going to school. Plus if you don't prove to the court that you can provide all of these things for you then they won't approve it. Just stick it out a couple more years and you will be fine. If it is any consolation, I am 17 and can't stand either of my parents but I moved in with the one that I have the least problems with and am waiting until I turn 18 to move out. Best of luck.

  2. ok.i dont think you are the legal age to live on your own. also 16 and in school you must have a parttoime job and that can not support you at all much less pay rent.

    if they are that bad why not live with family?....i have a cousin who lives with me becasue she felt the same as you..and she is happy now.

    good luck  

  3. Have you considered boarding school?Living with another family member?

  4. Ok, I talked to dad about your question, since hi is a paralegal and specializes in family law.  In most states you can not get an emancipation order unless you can prove that you have enough income for you own habitation, including utilities, food, transportation costs, clothing, etc.  You also will need to show that you are still in school and maintaining a passing average.  Further, since you are a minor over 16 but under 18, your work time is limited to 20 hours per week.  There are ways you can still leave the environment you are in -if- a competent medical authority can prove that your mental, emotional, or physical well-being would be adversely affected by remaining within the enviroment you are presently residing (IOW, home).  If this can be proven, then you can be placed within the foster care system, OR any responsible adult that is willing to take you under the Rules of Guardianship.  Effectively, you woul be 'divorcing' your parents.  The person that is chosen as Guardian must be able to pass a background check for no criminal record.  The beauty of this method is that you can yourself choose a Guardian,but the person you choose has to be willing to do this.  There is one other option taht dad didn't  talk about for his own reasons.  You have stated that you are very depressed about the situation you are in, and also that you want to run away.  Never run away, run TO something.  Your  statements about wanting to run and being depressed are two major 'danger' flags.  If you attempt to run away, you will be caught by the police, and returned home--if you are lucky.  Runaways are prime targets for predators, and their nightmare worlds.  So, I am asking you to think about this, and call a crisis line.  There are many in the phone book yellow pages, and they are trained to get you the help you need.   You might not get emancipated, but you will get help and be free of that environment.  If you are still thinking of harming yourself, tell the person on the crisis line.  Be brutally honest, and get it all out of your system, and let hem help you.  Please think about this, then make the call.  Please make the call.

  5. They won't give it to you and you know running away can actually get sent to Juvi! Weir I know but good luck.

  6. I would honestly consider living with another relative or maybe a close friend and their family can take you in. Living on your own honey is HARD. I'm 25 and my husband is 30 and it is still hard for us to get by. With all honesty you'll never make it on your own at 16. It doesn't matter on how mature you are.

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