
So I am against Obama how is it that my opposition equates to racisim?

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I was actually impressed with Obama when I first heard about him(when the first Democrats put their names up for election) I listened to him speak and was impressed, a non-washington person(so little time in washington), He sounded genuine that he meant everyword. Then I did the research on him, his voting record, his background(that was available to me), Then he gained momentum and the rest of the country took notice and more and more facts came out. He and his wife gave speeches, I listened and realized his speech did not jive with his record. I now have made my choice and it will not be Obama because of what he has stood for and the future he promises with more government in my life. I do not want anyone I do not want in my life period. He says he will force me(read between the lines of his plans) better yet just read them. I have had "NOBAMA" bumper-stickers made up to show my opposition. Two days ago a young black woman pulled along side my van ranting and pointing, I rolled down the window and was asked "so you are for McCain?" I answered truthfully "I am not for Obama" to which she started Yelling "you red-neck" "F--ck you you red neck". In a lul I asked her if she had read his tax plan, the reply "I don't need to you f--king redneck". Who in this exchange is the racist? Why does opposition equate to hate? And where is the Love and hope and change? Last I checked free speech is still there but where is the intelligence to drive it?

I expect someone on here will show my point perfectly, my question is why not listen to the points,and express counter-points without the insult?

Oh and I not only have "black friends", I have black nieces. And Obama is more Arab and white than he is black. I wonder if she did not need to know that either.




  1. You have the right to support MC Cain. He is against abortion but it really doesn't matter because the law isn't going to get changed anyway, besides that a lot of repubican ideals in general contridict science for their immediate gradification. MC Cain also plans to continue the war at the expense of the American people because he will not be affected either way. You have your own free will but ask yourself a question if Bill Clinton did a better job then George Bush and he supports Obama why don't you? I feel your point is valid but it's only scratching the surface their are numerous other factors you are not taking into account. This is just my opinion.

  2. from a black man's perspective: just because you are NOBAMA does not mean you are a racist. I have proud redneck friends and co-workers who are NOBAMA as well, but for legitimate reasons (bigger government, higher taxes, lack of experience on foriegn policy compared to McCain, etc.) I would suggest you just debate your issues to your nieces and friends and leave it at that. I don't believe your car or truck can fit your reasons for NOBAMA along with that sticker. If some stranger calls you racist, then don't worry about it, don't even get mad in fact. There are many many many ignorant---no, stupid people in our country, and they are a mix of libs and right-wingers (if you want to label them).  Sticks and Stones, man.

  3. you bet ye.

  4. Dude. Don't worry about it.

    The libs are now showing how truthfully sexist they are.

  5. If I was you, I wouldn't have put an NO OBAMA sticker on my car, I would have just settled for a sticker supporting your pick.  By putting that sticker on your car it made you look racist even though your reasoning for not electing him has nothing to do with his race.  I had an uncle who went to Pennsylvania for a visit a few months ago for the election beteen Obama and Hillary and there were people who had posters on their doors that simply said "Don't vote Obama, keep the White House white!"  That is the wrong reason not to vote for someone and if they simply said "Don't vote Obama because (insert non-racist reason here)" it would have made more sense.

  6. it does NOT equate to racism--however, only you know why you really don't want Obama as president, regardless of your kinship to blacks...duh?

    If you know in your heart ou can't stand the thought of a black man, albeit half/white, as president--then you are racist.

    If it's because you hate his policies because you are a staunch Republican (policy wise) then you are just republican.

    It it's because you hate the fact that a black man beat a white woman for the race (you might be racists...)

    If you can't make your mind up because you are looking at Obama as a black man vs. McCain as a white man, you might be racists (if you are thinking...gee, whites have been in charge all this time and done okay, how will a black work out--i don't know, I'm afraid, etc. (you are stereotyping Obama, and that would be prejudice if not racists).

    If you can't make your mind up because you either want more money to Smith Barney than to Barney Smith--you're just confused.



  7. Isn't it funny how many Dems are the ones who scream out when a view becomes apparent that is not theirs?  In my neighborhood, any signs, anything that is not on their agenda is vandalized (yep, middle/upper class suburbs in the middle of this country, not in some dictator third world country).  The opposite is true of those that are candidates of the Dems - those signs are left up, not vandalized.  Although we don't agree with them, we let them be.  (My area of town is strongly republican, with a few democrats, BTW)

    They scream that every vote should count unless it is one that does not agree with them.

    As for being racist - boy the Obama folks have played the race card trying to guilt anyone who does not agree with his POLICIES to mean that they are a racist.  I am not saying that 100% of the people opposing Obama are not doing so because of his race.  There is racism in America.  But I would be hard pressed to find a majority to oppose him because of his race.

    It's all trying to use white-guilt to motivate a vote, and that is pretty sad.

  8. You are not dealing with rationality...Obama supporters are not rational...I would not put a sticker on my bumper...I will vote for McCain...that is for sure, I will...I don't like this intolerant, nasty attitude Obama group...

  9. Don't over-defend yourself. These people feel like voting for Obama is their get out of racism free card. It comes with rights to call anyone who doesn't vote for him racist. Just don't let it get to you. You know you're not racist. You're just not easily wooed by pretty words that don't mean anything. And that are flagrant lies. Being too intelligent to be hypnotized doesn't make you a racist.

  10. McCain's a train wreck so a lot of people think that if you support him you must be a racist becuase if you had a brain in your head there's no way you'd be for him.

  11. it doesn't. this is an angry time full of angry people who are just bustin' at any chance to vent. ignore. as long as you know that your motivations are right, ignore. there are goofy people in all colours of the rainbow.

  12. Here is the way a lot of people think:

    Any Black person who does not vote for Obama is a traitor to his race.

    Any White person who does not vote for Obama is prejudiced.

    Democrats offer welfare

    Republicans offer warfare

    Democrats offer higher taxes

  13. shoulda said:


    PS---I dont think it makes you racist so dont worry about it.

  14. I too question the validity of your story, but you are entitled to your  opion, after all that is what Obama stands for, The United State Constitution guarantees it, and our Militay sees to it.

  15. This campaign is aggravating to supporters of both Obama and McCain. I'm an Obama supporter and people think that all black people are voting for Obama because he's black. And a lot of people think that all white people are voting for McCain because they object to having a black man in office. It's all ignorance. However, we do have quite a few racist Obama supporters and racist McCain supporters; people like them shouldn't even waste their time voting. I totally respect your support for McCain, as long as you respect my support for Obama.

  16. Racism will be the excuse when Obama loses. Actually, we can't afford a socialist that is going to raise all of our taxes. That is why he will lose.

  17. Guess what?

    Nobody cares who you are for or against.

    And only you know whether you're a racist or not.


  18. I HEAR YOUR PAIN, AND YOU SOUND LIKE A LEVEL HEADED PERSON.  Some people are just overly sersitive right now because they really want to see history be made.  Even if they truelly do not understand politics or what the man stands for.  They just want their voices heard (at least this is the thinking IMO) and they think if the man shares a skin tone he will represent their point of view better.  I do not think that all people of color or minorities feel this way though, only the ones that react to you the way that low intelligent woman did.  There are plenty of low intelligent people out their and no matter what the issue if you diasagree with their point of view or opinion, they feel like its their personal duty to insult or assault you.  Just let it roll off your back, those people do not represent the majority, just make an as* of themselves, and make you even more opposed to what they are shrieking about.  If she had approached you calmly and asked why you feel that way and actually listened and then in turn explained why she was voting for Obama, you wouldnt even be on here asking this question.  It is these situations that create bounderies and offense and stereotypes.  Its not fair but thats the way it goes.  Just like when obama was discribing his Grandmother and said she acted like a typical white woman, those kind of stereotypes are hurtful, and cause segregation.  O well Just my opinion.  (BTW, those were jsut examples, white folks, and every ethnicity out their are guilty of the same things, its the way it goes. I just wish we could judge each person as an individual and respect peoples opinions without the need to attack.)

  19. i was also impressed with senator obama at first. but after the convention, i see now republicans have come much farther in their attitute about women than democrats. my god just look at the support and love they are giving governor palin, and compare to how the democrats treated senator clinton. i'm holding my nose and voting mccain/palin

  20. If you vote the other way because you think he is stupid as a black man to lead, you are racist.

    If you were never black or minority or discriminated, you will never understand what racism means no matter how anyone try to explain it to you.

    At  school there is what is called black mark -where a teacher simply asses your work and gives you a lower mark no matter how out standingand  even your classmates think otherwise.

    You could be making a reasonable point as a minority or black person but people simply refuse to acknowledge or they out right demean your reasoning no matter how good. Rcaism has no clear cut identity.

    That is why it is so easy to flush down the discriminated without question.

    If you are racist, you will know down your heart and soul but will refuse to acknowledge it.

    McCain has record of voting for Bush policies over 95% of the times.

    How can he now turn around to convince you that he is all new without you questioning McCain's records?

    The fact that you question Obama's records no matter how it was twisted to you and left McCAIN'S record unquestioned may signify racism on your part.

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