
So I ate too much last night...

by  |  earlier

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Last night, me and 3 friends went to all-you-can-eat Korean BBQ. We ate for 2 1/2 hours and cleared about 7 orders of meat. Afterwards, we all went to eat frozen yogurt for about 1/2 an hour.

When I got home, I felt so sick that I threw up. I didn't throw up ALL of it...probably a 1/4 of what I ate. That felt freaking horrible.

I wake up this morning and I only drank about 2 glasses of tea. My stomach still feels gross.

Now it is lunch time. I still feel gross and I'm not hungry, but my stomach is growling. My gut still feels huge and the sight of food (especially BBQ) just makes me sick now. I've been drinking tea and water all morning, but my stomach keeps growling and growling!!!

Is there anyway to get my stomach to stop this growling without eating anything?! Is there something light I can drink that would make my stomach feel better? Its kind of embarassing having my coworkers hear me growl...




  1. GINGER is a natural calming agent for upset stomachs .... sip some ginger tea or gingerale - have some gingersnaps to eat

  2. If you over do it one day, fasting the next is a big mistake. It makes your body panic. Best thing to do is to think about the extra you ate and cut back for a couple of days, give up any extras, snacks between meals, but eat light and healthy. Have a salad and turkey sandwich or something, don't drink anything with gas in it, nothing sparkling, and recover over a couple of days instead of doing it all in one go, your stomach will settle much quicker that way.  

  3. Try dry toast or a ginger biscuit.  

  4. Well If You Can I Would Try An Eat But Rest Could Help x

  5. squeeze a lemon in luke warm water and drink twice or thirice.....this will relax ur stomach.....

  6. If thou be one given to gluttony put a knife to thou throat when in the kings house.  Or thoust Korean BBQTh

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