
So I can assume all the handball questions are an inside joke I was not apart of?

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So I can assume all the handball questions are an inside joke I was not apart of?




  1. not for me i take handball as a serious sport thats why im number 1 in this section.

  2. Huh?

    But yes u truly are da bomb!

  3. That's what *I'VE* been doing.

  4. There's nothing funny about Wish's athletic prowess and desire to earn her 'handball' top contributor badge! She knows her sport and takes it very seriously.

  5. oh no no I take my sport of handball very seriously. No joking about it no siree bob

  6. its no joke, handball is the oldest sport ever, like prostitution!

  7. We never excluded you - you just took a little while to catch on. Next time we'll have the guys be more direct and shove their handballs in your face. LOL

  8. Its OK cutie, I was left out too. Its all good, they don't know our inside jokes or our secret make out handshake. b*****s!

  9. keep practicing and you will understand the game as well as the pros who've been handballing for years.

    good luck

  10. I stared it so you could play!

    Now lets see them handball skills...

    I bet your Da Bomb at it lol

  11. You are so naughty. These are just harmless questions about handballs!

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