
So I finally got an INdustrial ear piercing and need help?

by  |  earlier

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He didnt explain to much about it. He just gave me a paper telling me how many times to clean it. Am I suppose to twist it and how often. Any tips would help. Thanks guys




  1. ok I got mine done about 7 months ago and it has healed beautifully. so here's my advice and what I did:

    -go to a store like Hot Topic or back to the place you got it pierced if you dont have cleaning solution and get this cleaning SPRAY not lotion called H2Ocean. its purified sea salt spray that helps it heal quickly

    -when you wake up in the morning [which btw dont sleep on it for a few weeks or a month cause you wont feel it when your sleeping but when you wake up it'll be sore] but when you wake up clean it with whatever cleaning solution you have, I didnt twist mine for about a week cause I wanted my body to get use to it first so after about a week, put the cleaner on it THEN twist it so the solution gets inside the holes and cleanses it, it will also hurt less to twist when you put the cleaner on cause it moistens your ear, when you twist it also try to move it back and forth if you can, slowly at first.

    -then go about your day and do not touch it unless your cleaning it for the first few months so it wont get infected.

    -then at night when you take a shower: buy antibacterial soap, like from Walgreens or wherever, but make sure its just that straight up orange antibacterial soap, no pretty smelling ones cause that will irritate the piercing, wet your piercing in the shower and then lather up some of the antibacterial soap and wash your piercing, again twist and move it if you can and then rinse it off. [of course you can switch this process around with the first cleaning if you shower in the morning or whatever] and when you get out of the shower cleanse it again with the H2Ocean or whatever cleaning solution you may have. just make sure you use the cleaning solution at least twice a day but no more than 3/4 times cause you dont want to over clean it and cause irritation, also I wouldnt use the soap more than twice a day as well.

    -after a few months mine developed a small bump on the top hole, I thought it was a keloid so I freaked out but it turned out to just be some scar tissue and with regular cleanings it eventually went away so keep an eye out for weird bumps and keep up with daily cleanings.

    I still clean mine twice a day, once in the morning and once in the shower or before bed, I would keep up with it for about a year just to avoid infections and then clean it like once a day with solution or soap,whichever.

    good luck and enjoy it! hope I helped.

  2. as the paper may say your gonna need to clean it for 2-3 a day for 6-8 weeks i would go 8 weeks just to make sure it doesn't get infected. and then 1-2 times a day untill you feal it is healed (usually 6months. i know a longg time but thats why people usually take them out)

    and i got mine a week ago and i twist it all the time. i think it helps because your sopposed to twist it after you clean it but after all the soap or seasalt is off so it doesn't get inside. but twisting it when ever will help from the crusties from sticking complety. to get those off just lay a wet paper towel on it and then peel the stuff off, dont pick at your ear when it is dry, you could get it infected.

    and when you are sleeping you may slightly hit it and you wont notice but the bar will slide and when you wake up make sure the balls aren't touching your ear.

    ive only had mine for a week and its healing really well. just make sure you keep it very clean. and if you do have questions call or go to the place you got it done. make sure you stay informed if you have questions.

    hope you like it and stick to it, and hope i helped (:

  3. Don't twist your jewelry. This can cause scar tissue to build up, prolong the healing, and increase the risk of infection.

    The best aftercare I've found is doing sea salt/saline soaks twice a day. You can make them at home by mixing 1/8-1/4 of a teaspoon of sea salt to 8oz of warm water. Soak for 5-10 minutes. Don't worry about the solution getting into your piercing to clean. When you soak, the water still makes into the hole. There is no need to move the jewelry.

    If you develop crusties around your jewelry, you can simply washing them off during a soak or dip a q-tip in warm water to wipe them away.

    Good luck :)

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