
So I had s*x while on my period; ?

by  |  earlier

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It was the 5th day so I didn't bleed so much. We used a condom. The next day I was bleeding less, then the next. Then it stopped [7th day]. I didn't keep track on when it ended or when it was supposed to start, I haven't gotten my period yet. It's been probably almost a month maybe. I don't know for sure. I've been eating fine, I've had stomach pain, but all I had to do was take a shxt [lol] but could I be pregnant? And what should I do?




  1. If you missed a period, take a test.

  2. yes you could be , but i advice you to take a test

  3. I don't think you are pregnant.  It's possible but not very likely.  I would wait a few more days and then take a pregnancy test.  If you start and are not pregnant I would suggest using a calendar of some kind to help you keep up with you periods. It makes is much easier to know when you will start so you won't have to worry so much.  

  4. It`s possible but not really because the egg was deteriorating and he used a condom if you dont start in about a week take a test n start keeping track of when you start and 28 days from the day you start you SHOULD start again.

  5. you aren't pregnant. You don't ovulate while you menstrate. Your body is shedding the uterine lining that you need to have in order to hold a pregnancy

  6. Well don't listen to all the people who say you are. Its very VERY unlikely. You weren't ovulating at that time, you used a condom, and you're not even sure if its been a month. I'm gonna say you're not pregnant but wait 2 weeks, and if they're still no sign, take a HPT or see a doctor. Still likely not pregnant, could just be stress delaying it, but HPT will give you some reassurance

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