
So I have a Curiosity survey for everyone on here?

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What’s you ideal man or woman?

How tall is he? (Is he shorter or taller than you?)

Does he have long or short hair?

Is he dark or light skinned?

Toned, muscular, skinny, somewhere in between of got a little more to love?

How big is he?

How would you find him, if you have not already found him already?

What do you think are the most important qualities for him to have?

Would he be romantic?

Most importantly, what’s his overall personality like?

Do you think you will ever find him, why or why not?

In addition, another random question, what are you planning to do today?




  1. I have lived a long time with a real woman who has *become* the ideal for me. That's love for ya. ^_^

    Height-- my wife is short, but that's okay. It gives her a reason to jump up onto me and plant a big wet one. She's like a little girl that way. ;)

    Hair-- a bit past shoulder-length when down, and falls in soft ringlets.

    Skin-- dark skin, and a beautifully smooth complexion.

    Body Type-- between slim and medium build and soft in all the right places.

    Most of my contacts are through work and various outside interests. If I was lucky, *maybe* I would find someone like her there, or by means of one of my incorrigible matchmaking female friends.

    Most important qualities -- trust, honesty, and openness. The kind of  relationship I have with my wife could not function without them. She is also sharp and very mature, but with soft, sweet, childlike qualities she only shows to those she trusts not to judge her or turn that fact to their advantage. I can count their number on one hand. :-(

    Romance -- oh she's very romantic. Positively starry-eyed sometimes, when she is off work and outside of "Queen Executive" mode.

    Overall Personality -- highly competent and formidable swimmer in the shark tank that is corporate America. Easy to underestimate, which would be a fatal mistake for her competitors. When we're together, she lets her "inner child" come out to be cherished, guided, and protected by my "inner parent." It releases the pent-up stress and anxieties of the day like steam from a valve.

    Today's plans -- not much time on weekdays, so we usually find ways to simply enjoy each other's company and unwind. Tonight, though, Daddy's not making dinner. Too tired. We're going out to eat at a really great Indian restaurant, and sticking around to watch the dancers. Such grace and elegance...

  2. What’s your ideal man or woman?

    Could be a man or a woman, so I'll have to try to make this gender neutral. ;)

    How tall is he? (Is he shorter or taller than you?)

    I'm only 5'2, so it's not difficult to be taller than me! I'd like him/her to be tall but not so tall that I have to stand on tiptoes, lol.

    Does he have long or short hair?

    Short hair on a man, long hair on a woman.

    Is he dark or light skinned?

    No preference... tanned is nice.

    Toned, muscular, skinny, somewhere in between of got a little more to love?

    I like well built, quite physically intimidating men, and curvy/larger women. Healthy though.

    How big is he?


    How would you find him, if you have not already found him already?

    I think I have found him. :)

    What do you think are the most important qualities for him to have?

    The three most important are probably confidence, stability and intelligence.

    Would he be romantic?

    He/she would have a romantic side, but not soppy.

    Most importantly, what’s his overall personality like?

    Dominant and likes to take charge, yet caring, protective and open minded too. Good sense of humour.

    Do you think you will ever find him, why or why not?

    I don't think there's just one person who's right for you, so yes I'm sure I'll find someone I'm happy with and want to settle down with, even if my current relationship doesn't work out.

    In addition, another random question, what are you planning to do today?

    Well, it's already after 7pm here, so probably just have a quiet night in and start packing for holiday.

    Interesting survey :)

  3. -My ideal woman has to be really shy but have that secret side of extreme confidence. I like when there really sweet, caring and laid back.

    -Shorter than me.

    -Doesn't matter, I prefer lighter skinned though. [I am NOT racist, just a preference, don't get all uptight ppl.]

    -It doesn't matter, as long as she has confidence in herself, thats s**y to me.

    -Same as above.

    -I don't go looking for her. It just happens. If you go looking for something you'll find it in all the wrong places.

    -Must have a sense of humor. A good heart. Caring, sweet, and generous. Really romantic, yet having good conversations. Fun. Open minded.


    -Being really sweet. I love that in a girl.

    -Yeah I will, I just need to focus on myself first before I decide to hop into love.

    -Work out then chill.


  4. he's 6 ft 2

    long hair

    medium skin

    muscular/more to love

    That between him and I

    I found him already!

    he's caring, nice, accepting, and really cute

    he is

    its just amazing

    Hes found!

    calling work, and seeing him after.

  5. What’s you ideal man or woman?


    How tall is he? (Is he shorter or taller than you?)

    as tall as me, or just a bit shorter

    Does he have long or short hair?


    Is he dark or light skinned?

    either is hot

    Toned, muscular, skinny, somewhere in between of got a little more to love?

    toned, muscular, skinny, somewhere in between! ha ha, i like toned.

    How big is he?

    hmmm, size does matter, ha ha

    How would you find him, if you have not already found him already?

    havent found him yet, hope he finds me, i'm to shy when it comes to asking someone out, although i'm pretty lucky with being asked out.

    What do you think are the most important qualities for him to have?

    honesty, faithful, humor.

    Would he be romantic?

    i hope so, i'm not, so for him to be that would be great

    Most importantly, what’s his overall personality like?

    friendly, funny, affectionette

    Do you think you will ever find him, why or why not?

    i dont know, i thought i had, but i guess not

    In addition, another random question, what are you planning to do today?

    it's raining, so no yard work, (which means no money) so i guess computer and napping.

  6. -->gal

    -->shorter prefered but doesnt really matter

    -->long hair prefered


    -->kinda skinny but not boney

    -->big as in age??

    -->i dunno if i'll meet my destined girl,but im still crushin' lol....

    -->qualities?home/family-oriented,know... how to cook would be good,really love and care for me,dun mind a little fun or craziness....i cant think now actually,lol...

    -->yes to a certain extent i guess

    -->sweet,fun-going,can be shy sometimes...

    -->no i dun think so,i think im destined to be single,lol

    -->wow,tts a real radom qs...

  7. he is 6'3", casually muscular (like plays sports or is otherwise semi-active, but not a meat-head) with a little bit of a tummy (so I have something to squish). He has either a shaved head or long, thick, dark brown hair with ice blue eyes and pale skin. Medium-sized "down there" but with dexterous hands. ;-D

    He would be the kind of guy who reads a lot but still has a social life, well rounded, not a very judgmental person, and he would not be very traditional. He would also not think I'm crazy for wanting to prepare for zombie invasions.

    SHE would be a hot muscular chica with a no-nonsense attitude - no mind games, no psychotic episodes. kinda chick who could take over the world if she put her mind to it. I still prefer dark hair (I just don't care for blonds... or red heads) but skin tone and eye color are all up in the air. I actually prefer dark skinned females - specially when they let their hair grow out. iz so s**y...

    She would also have to not call me crazy for wanting to prepare for the Zombie invasion...


    I'm not crazy I swear.

    I doubt I'll ever find either of them. I don't think I'm attractive to that kind of person. I need to work out more, I think. 3 nights at Aikido and one night at Tai Chi, and lifting weights while at my desk job is apparently not enough.

    Today I've got a lunch date with a guy I met on He does not fit my physical description, but he seems to fit the mental.  

  8. 1.  What’s you ideal man or woman?my girlfriend is my ideal woman.  she's amazing!

    2.  How tall is she? (Is she shorter or taller than you?) about 5'1.  and she's taller than me, lol i'm only 5'0

    3.  Does she have long or short hair? long

    4.  Is she dark or light skinned? she's pale :-D

    5.  Toned, muscular, skinny, somewhere in between of got a little more to love? toned for the most part

    6.  How big is she? she's pretty tiny...just big enough for me to wrap my arms around :-)

    7.  How would you find her, if you have not already found her?  not sure...i guess i just got lucky

    8.  What do you think are the most important qualities for her to have? honesty

    9.  Would she be romantic? she's a hopeless romantic, just like me.

    10.  Most importantly, what’s her overall personality like? funny, we just love to laugh...although she has a horrible temper

    11.  Do you think you will ever find her, why or why not? already did

    12.  In addition, another random question, what are you planning to do today? finish working and go home!






  10. I am happy with a woman. but have dated men in the past.

    Men.... taller then me... Women my height or a few inches shorter then me.

    Men... short. women medium or short.

    Light tanned on both.

    I like heavier men. but skinnier women. maybe toned.

    Big as in? Imnot answering this one!

    I think i have found her. But i met her online. metting someone in a bar...that means you meet someone who likes to drink and that is not something someone i am interested in would be into doing.

    Family man or woman. I have a 2 year old.

    She is romantic at times.he would need to be romantic sometimes too. it is nice to have candle lit dinners sometimes!

    Caring loving and fun to be around.

    I think i have already found her.

    I am planning on headin to the store to get juice... and cream and some milk. I think i might also get some change so i can wash our clothes. the hamper is rather full!

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