
So I have a really bad habit...?

by  |  earlier

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I have those two-week soft contact lenses, and I have a really bad habit of never taking them out or changing them and leaving them in my eyes for months at a time.

I know this is really bad for me, and I'm trying to stop, but what can happen if I continue to do it?




  1. You are very likely to get dry eye syndrome, corneal abrasion which can lead to permanent damage.  Also infection in the eye due to lenses that are not clean from protein buildup.

    Bottom line is you know is bad for your eyes, so unless you want to damage your eyes and end up with bad vision or worst lost of sight then it is time to change your habit.

  2. your eyes get soggy lol

  3. You're the reason so many Contact wearers are so MAD that they have to get their Rx renewed annually. Severe Eye Infections: corneal abrasions- which is one you dont want, trust me. Many people I work with say the same thing, but your eye Doc knows the truth when you get in their chair- the eyes dont lie- Do the right thing!

    If you have bloodshot eyes this is a major contributing factor- the eye in defense of your actions "Build in" blood vessels to feed the malnourished, oxygen starved eye. Get some back up glasses and give your eyes a breather- at least one day a week- and Never sleep in Accuvue lenses!

  4. Aside from the MANY conditions that can occur, it is just stupidity. People like you are always asking here "why their eye hurts, or what is wrong with my eyes". This is what's wrong, failure to comply to a responsible wearing schedule. If you are not having problems yet you just are lucky. What do you think your underwear would look like wearing them for a month steady? Maybe you know, maybe they were changed with the last pair of contacts. Sorry to be so blunt, but it is completely irresponsible.

  5. blinding eye infection. ;isten and follow care guides if you value your sight.

  6. hiya if you sleep in your contact lenses there is great risk of infection and also sometimes overnight a thin layer of 'skin' can grow over the lense which obviously isnt good for lenses are great but to be honest I think glasses are better there in now, just get some stylish ones and I think they lok great on people....hope this helped sa bit x*x

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