
So I hear that Memphis won POV in Big Brother 10 (US).?

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Do you think he will use it to save Dan, like he said he would?

Also reading some of the posts that people write it sounds like Jerry is just a mean old man. Has anybody seen the live feeds or BB after dark to witness this or are people just hating on him?

Who do you think will go home next?




  1. I think he will. I already knew that but in the future don't put a big spoiler like that as your question. Jerry lies and he tells boring stories. (the HG's were ignoring him today  because of that.) I don't watch the live feeds but I read this blog and sometimes I believe it is better than having the feeds yourself!

  2. You know, I hate to say it but Jerry is pretty mean.  I watch the BB shows on tv and then the live feeds on the internet and he seems like a completely different person.  They don't show on TV all the vicious ugly things he says about the other house guests, especially Keesha.  Everyone saw him call Dan a judas but that's only the tip of the iceberg w/ him, I couldn't even list it all if I tried.  

    I do believe Memphis will save Dan, even though he's been closer to Keesha for a longer amount of time.  Going to the finals against Dan will assure Memphis the win.  

  3. grrrrrr you just spoiled it for me !!  If memphis is smart he will keep Dan because if it comes down to memphis and dan for the final 2 the jury will vote for memphis to win because dan has too many enemies !

  4. You should not put who won the POV or HOH, before it airs, some people does not want to know.  It's to late.  I made that mistake once, and someone response very mean

    Yes, they knew when Jerry won HOH, the only way to save Dan was to make sure Jerry up up only Dan, and Dan and Memphis

    Jerry put up one girl and one boy(I would of done that to)

    Keesha, Dan and Memphis had a final three deal for weeks.  This put Keesha is a good spot, she does not have to put up or vote Renny out

    Dan and Memphis will be the bad people that will

    Memphis will take Dan off, and Jerry will have to put up Renny.  He has no choice

    Memphis and Dan will vote Renny out

    Jerry can not play in the HOH

    Unless, Jerry wins POV, he should be the next to go

    Dan almost won POV, by 8 second.  From what Renny and Keesha was saying, they were 8 seconds apart, and everyone else did not come close.  If Dan won, Memphis would of been put up, and Keesha or Memphis would be going home

    The three of them were Lucky this week

    Yes, Jerry is a dirty old man and can be very mean

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