
So I like the name Aurora but

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This is a total coincidence but our hospitals name is Aurora Hospital.

And I have loved the Name Aurora before we started going there, but if i deliver there and I name my daughter that will it be a joke all her life that she was named after the hospital she was born in even though thats not why we named her that?




  1. No i dont see why it would be

  2. if you like the name name her that:)

  3. the name is very pretty and you dont have to tell people you delivered there

  4. if you love the name, use it. maybe you'll deliver at home or in a taxi - lol. sorry, hope not.

  5. Maybe use it as a middle name. Eventually people will forget about it, but if you use it as a first name she might never be able to live it down.

  6. Yeah, they might. Start telling people you are naming her that before you give birth, or start talking a lot about the name now so people know how much you like it. This way they will have heard you talk about it beforehand and know you are not naming her after the hospital. If you are worried what the hospital staff will think, tell them you wanted to name her something so you could use the nickname Rorie. I think its a great name. Good luck!

  7. I love that name too. I wouldn't think that at all.

  8. It might.

    My middle name is Annette, after my grandma who's middle name is Annette. But for all my life, my other grandma takes credit because her middle name is Anne.

    So it very well might be.  

  9. I really don't think it will make any difference, besides, most people will not know the name of the hospital she was born in, and people usually have better things to do...besides, don't let the name of the hospital she is born in stop you from choosing the name you want for her.

  10. Can you go to a different hospital if you think it's an issue?

    If not go for it anyway - love the name

    there used to be a maternity unit in St James Hospital here (Dublin) I doubt it stopped anyone naming their baby James :)

  11. i wouldn't like to be named after a hospital. it would make me think my parents were unoriginal

  12. Whoever processes the birth certificate paperwork might think it's funny, but who else would even know what the name of the hospital was, unless you told them?  I don't even remember what hospital I was born at.  My mother could have named me after it for all I know.  

  13. If you like the name go with it.  The first thing it brought to my mind was Sleeping Beauty (Princess Aurora).

  14. Oh 10 yrs when you child is old enough to ask, "mommy how did you come up w/my name" you might not even live anywhere near that hospital. i dont even remember the name of the hospital where my oldest was born!

    who cares! Aurora is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL name! it would be a shame not to use it because of a silly coincidence. you'll regret it for ever it you don't follow your heart!

    i can live w/some ppl not liking my kids names (everyone has an opinion) but i couldn't have lived w/knowing i could have named my kids what i truly wanted but didn't' because i was worried about what everyone else though. (which doesnt matter anyways).

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