
So I like this GUY? ?

by  |  earlier

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His name is.. Micheal. Ahhh. :]. He's like, so freaking hot. He's like the 8th grade version of Chris Brown. He's that person who I cant tell my secrets too, and trust him. Me and him are also doing this yearbook project together, so hes gonna come over after school more often. I really like him, ever since the... 7th grade? And now we're in 8th grade. I dont even know if he likes me.. Or just as a friend.. And... This is what happened today at lunch.

-Cheerleaders come up to our table-

Cheerleader: Who wants to be a cheerleader?!?! :D

Micheal: JULIE DOES. :]

Me: Whatt. o_o

Micheal: Juli ewants to be a cheerleader. ;]

Me: Heckk noo. O_O

Micheal: Your dad told you to be a cheereleader. SO LISTEN TO HIM.

Me: No. o-o

Micheal: Why? Dont you liek shaking your a$$ in front of people?

(I wouldnt help but laugh)

Me: Yeah, but not 6th graders. Ew. D:<

Micheal: Finee. ]:



I think Im falling for himmm. Guys, what can I do for him to like mee? D:... And.. We're graduating together when we're in high school. We known eachother since 5th grade. And I really wanna go out with him before we graduate..? And I know, its gonna be a long time till I do.. But. Still. Help? :D




  1. just tell him how u feel

  2. omg, you do not know how lucky you are.

    your friends w/him so why not ask him if he like youu ?

    you guys talk alot, &amp; the cheer thing, he teased you about it, so its a good thing (:

    just ask him . if not, what if he gets a gf. and you will never know.

    good luck !

  3. Well since you guys are so close the chemistry is basically there.  I think the best thing to do is to just kind of come out and say how you feel.  If you dont like that, then you can drop subtle hints about how you feel.  Flattery works really well with guys and is the easiest way to show how you feel.

    Hope this helps!

  4. Well one day ask him if he likes you more than a friend and if he says he just likes you as a friend just be like o ok.....and if he ask why be like i heard that you liked me more than a friend now if he says yes then be like i really like you to and id like to be more than a friend

  5. just spend more time with him and see how it goes. u can&#039;t force someone to like u, all u can do is see how things turn out. flirt with him a little.

  6. You&#039;re part of the reason I couldn&#039;t wait to get out of middle school. You&#039;re in 8th grade so you&#039;re like what? 13? You&#039;re not falling for anyone. That&#039;s ridiculous. You&#039;re 13. &amp; you have 4 years before you graduate. Which is plenty of time to get over your future ex-boyfriend.

  7. well that&#039;s a really weird convo.

    still give it time and get to know him.

  8. youre already good friends

    thats good

    flirt a little


    and if he does it back

    hes interested

    and if hes interested

    THEN tell him you like him
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