
So I mailed this guy from YA some hot sauce?

by  |  earlier

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He's in Scotland and couldn't find any to make hot wings. I felt bad for him, got his address and sent him a couple bottles. He told me he'd reimburse me (in the email where he gave me his address) and I said don't bother, just send me back something unique from Scotland.

Well, that was months ago. I didn't even get a simple Thanks.

I NEVER heard back from the bugger.

What's wrong with people?? You go out of your way and that's what you get. Things like that erode my faith in humanity.

Has anything like this happened to you?




  1. don't worry, you'll get a return in another way. But yea, how about sending an e-mail to the guy saying hi. Maybe that will get a thankyou out of him  

  2. Who knows? Perhaps he had a freak chicken wing accident, got some Frank's in his eye and can no longer see well enough to type. Just imagine, he's sitting there all alone, in cold cold Scotland, crying his hot-saucey eyes out wishing he could send you a thank you email. :)

    BTW you really are a super nice person for doing that. If you like I can mail you some empathy salsa or something.  

  3. well that was rude

    he could of least sent a thank you card

    don't lose your faith-there are some decent people left in the world

  4. How rude.  He should've responded.  But don't let it affect your faith in humanity.  Maybe he had a heart attack from the Louisiana hot sauce, maybe he had a fight with the wife and promised never to talk to you again, it could be many things.  Continue doing nice things without expecting anything in return and that will be its own reward.  :)  

  5. Hahahahaha. You sent somebody hot sauce in the mail because they live in Scotland? That's hilarious!

  6. i agree with you however what i found works for me is when i do something like that expect nothing in return and hope they learn to pass it on to others ==i find that my actions come back to me when i need it most and without asking ====i would like acknowlegement  i miss it when i dont get it ==but to be honest it would be like charging for  what i did and if i were doing that i would have sent it c.o.d.===so be happy in what you do and may be the next one understands what a thank you really means ==but dont stop what you do because of it  

  7. I am going to agree with the other two answers! Don't let one person spoil your ideals on the world. I have sent random things all over the place, sometimes you meet and find wonderful friends from gestures like this, and every so often you find an ***, that's life for you.

    I have been touched by the kindness of strangers on the internet, don't make it one less person :)

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