
So I need help with a gir??

by  |  earlier

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there's this girl I'm crazy for. She means alot to me. For a few years now she's given me signs of interest. and alot of them!!! We talked on the phone durng the summer, and she was asked me if I still liked her. She looks at me alot!!! But ONLY when I'm in front of her.

high school just started. I see her ONLY at lunch, but not alot, since the campus is really big. She catches me staring at her sometimes and we lock eyes for lke 5 seconds. Today at lunch she looked at me, when she passed by me. I'm really nervous to say hi to her now. I don;t know what she's going to say when I talk to her.

what should I do???




  1. just ask her out the worst can happen is she says no.

    you know what they say: there's many fish in the sea

    good luck kiddo ;)

    answer mine ppl??

  2. I think you should keep getting closer to her as a friend, and when the time is right, tell her you like her. Don't wait too long though.  

  3. dude talk to her man, look there is this girl i like and i know she dont like me and prob she wont ever like me but im going to a risk.

    you got it easier dude go up to her talk to her dont be scared.

    what should you talk about? anything talk about what u guys talked about and like that but dont messs it up just be cool dont change thats for sure be who she knows and always be and she will like you more and who knows.

  4. Its appears to me that you missed your chance to ask her out during the summer when you talked alot. That's ok though. You'll get another chance as long as you start talking to her again. Just talk for a little one day, ya know, just a "hey whats up." After talking like that for a couple days, be brave and just ask her out. It doesn't have to be a "hey, will you be my girlfriend?" You can use that one if you feel bold enough though. Just ask if she wants to go to a movie or hangout at a football game or something. From what you were saying, the signs shes giving you are a good indication that she may feel the same about you. You just have to be bold and ask her out. In the end, you'll be glad you did.

  5. look bro, i have no girl friend, but i will tell you some thing

    just tell her to join you in your lunch, during having lunch talk to her, and believe me any thing you  say to her (without have s*x) she will not mind and that is the best time to say that you love her.


  6. take a deep breath and then go up and talk to her, you can't get anywhere with her or any girl if you don't learn how to talk to them, be yourself and be honest,

    your going to do great

  7. take a deep breath, go up to her, ask her if she wants to go out sometime. whats the worst that could happen?? its obvious that there is some interest there.

    remember, you miss 100% of the shots you never take. its worth a shot, go get her!!

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