
So I need to know how I should adjust the drivers seat in my car?

by Guest66697  |  earlier

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So I have this argument with my dad on how the dricers seat should be adjusted.

Can anyone give me clear, specific advice or specifications on how a drivers seat should be adjusted for the safest driving? Even better, could anyone refer me to websites that holds this type of information?




  1. Adjust your seat so that you feel in control and comfortable so that your arms have control on the steering wheel and your feet reach the pedals.

  2. It depends on your height, how long your legs are, your belly size and yes, how comfortable you are. As long as you can see your blind sports and mirrors and your dash board, then you're doing good.

  3. doesn't matter as long as your comfortable. Who care's whats the safest. if you are uncomfortable , your likely to make a mistake and it won't matter how your seat is situated.

  4. Adjust it close enough where you can comfortably reach the pedals of the vehicle and upright enough where you can comfortably see what's in front of you and your blind spots when you do a shoulder check.

    But...don't adjust it so close that you are literally squashed by the steering wheel and it's a good idea not to be so close to the airbag either (if you have any).

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