
So I need to walk out of Shyness... Any tips?

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Well would be happy to be more outgoing! Of course typing it out is easier then really saying it.

Been awhile and after my first year of high school it really started to matter. People get to many wrong opinions about me and I would like people to see me for who I really am and not misjudge me so quickly.

Oh how do I get rid of my nervous laugh... pretty hard to avoid it.




  1. Well, when you have something you think is good to say, just force yourself to say it. It's like when I used to say the saying like "dude". I didn't feel comfortable, but I forced myself to say it. After a while, I used the saying all the time (although I don't anymore). Once you get past this, all you need to be aware of is you'll say stupid stuff sometimes. It's unavoidable. If you talk enough, you're bound to make a fool out of yourself.

    Some people (including my younger self) don't talk cause they just can't think of anything to say. I'm sure you have things to say, but you might find that when you're around people, nothing come to your mind. If so, think about things to say. Be attentive for things to say and remember what they were.

    People probably think you're nervous laugh is nice. Don't be ashamed to be nervous; instead, while you're laughing, just incorporate that that's just the type of person you are. You're laugh might even change a bit just by doing that.

  2. Hey There,

    I used to have that problem only probably worse. People thought I was a grumpy person, someone that thought I was better then everyone, etc. It was kind of annoying to say the very least. I was just shy and did not say much. What I think really helps is forcing yourself to make eye contact with people. Smile, even when you do not have anything to say a smile can say a lot. Think of all the reasons you want to be more outgoing and just take it one step at a time. Laugh at peoples jokes, slowly but surely come out of your shell. Realize that the whole world is not out to get you, and that people will not laugh at you or make fun of you and even if they do, who cares? This is your life we are talking about not other peoples anyways. As for the nervous laugh just try to relax more. Believe me the more you practice being not shy the easier it will come to you. Best of luck

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