
So I think I have something wrong with me, but I don't know what It is called?

by  |  earlier

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So sometimes, usually when I'm alone, and I haven't talked to anyone in a while, I start getting really scared. I feel like there's no one i can talk to, even if there is, I feel really alone and I start to get the shakes and I get really depressed. And I just start breathing heavily.

I'm not sure if there is something that this is called, or if it happens to people, but I would just like to know what this is.

I'm female and 15 years old.

I have no real problems in life, I have a good family and good friends.




  1. That sounds kind of like a panic attack.  I used to have them a lot when I was younger.  Do you feel like you're going to pass out when you start breathing heavily?

  2. umm..maybee..u tend to like crowds and people more, cuz thats wut every1 prefers, hang out with ur friends moree

  3. Maybe it is something clinical, maybe it's just being 15. It's hard for me to say if I've never met you.

    May I suggest that you start by talking to one of the counselors at school. The counselor will be able to ask you some questions to help figure out how normal this is, or if there's something else we should be worried about. The counselor will also know psychologists and others who may be able to talk to you and your folks to figure out what is going on. They may be able to get you some help without any cost to you and your family.

    Best of luck to you!

  4. i just want the points for answering this question. for more points please make me best answer.

  5. girlfriend iss probabaly anxiety. iss very common for girls at 15. go to a doc and see if u need meds

  6. It sounds like anxiety.You may have a fear of being alone too.I've had panic attacks in the past when I was over stressed but this sounds like you may even work yourself up unnecessarily.When you start to get the feelings of panic and breathing heavy,try to control your breathing and see if you can calm yourself down.I think the best solution would be to tell one of your parents.Be honest and seek help with them.That is why they are your parents.They want to help you and I think this is important enough for you to tell them.

  7. That happened to me a lot when I was stressed out. I also used to have vivid dreams usually involving death. Both of those are related to some type of depression or anxiety. Your subconscious might be trying to tell you something. I suggest you see a doctor because there is nothing much I can do for you besides telling you a little of my opinion.

  8. Sounds like anxiety. Try breathing in a more natural way. You need to calm your brain down. Seriously. Your breathing has a very strong effect on your brain and vice versa.

    There are books, tapes, etc. that can help you learn how to do this.

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