
So I want to get a second ear peircing, BUT my parents won't let me. How do I persuade them?

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I'm 14, and I really want a 2nd ear peircing, how do I persuade my parents to let me get one?




  1. just show themyou are mature

  2. My rents won't let me eether

  3. If it's your lobes, do it your self. h**l, if it's your cartilage you can do it yourself too. But do the cartilage with a needle. The lobe you can do with a piercing gun or needle.

  4. tell them that its your body... a lot of people have them and their really cute with a stud and then hoops or dangles on your lower peircings...ive had mine since third grade....

    possibly suggest paying for it yourself....

    you could always do it yourself but that would get you in more trouble and you may get an infection....

  5. dont, my mom got hers done in the 80's and she swears they aren't in style any more. I believe her, as she is very fashion wise. And, it really doesn't look that good.

    so just keep one in, you'll look more classy that way.

    and classy is everything.

  6. either piece it yourself, get it as a bday or christmas present or get a friend to take you to get it pierced or let someone pierce it and just let your parents deal with it

    hope that helps :]

  7. Just wait til you're older  I got my first when I was 13, then my cartilage when I was 15 (dad thought it was okay with mom, she actually wanted me getting my 2nd, but loves it!) then when I was 16 or 17 got my 2nd.  Just wait, eventually you will be able to get it.

  8. same, it really sucks that people at school my age (12) have second pierces and i can't !

    ......try a magnetic earing!

  9. You basically just have to show them that you are mature.  I wasn't allowed to get my second ear piercing until I was 17.

  10. talk it over with them. Tell them why you really want it. Listen to reasons why they really do not want you to have it. From there, see if you guys can come to a mutual understanding.

  11. Pierce it yourself. I did.

    Or get a friend to pierce you.

    Get some rubbing alcohol, and clean off the earring, your ear, and whatever you use to pierce (i.e. a safety pin, needle, etc). Draw a little dot on your ear where you think it should go. Make sure that the dots are in the same spot for each ear. Poke the needle through. Do it fast, like a bandaid. Keep it there for a minute or two. Put the earring in right after you take the needle out.

    Clean the area twice a day for a few weeks, just like you did with your first ear piercing.

  12. hush, i'm 15 and my parent won't let  no mater how hard i try.

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