
So I want to learn to surf...?

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Yea so i live on the jersey shore and always wanted to learn to surf, so this summer I was thinking of taking lessons

Would it better to learn surfing from a friend whos good at it or a teacher?

Oh, and any tips b4 i start?




  1. I would recommend taking lessons. I've been surfing for over 30 years and always recommend this!

    If you take lessons they have the equipment and a lesson plan, and you won't risk losing a friendship because one of you gets frustrated and then mad at the other one.  :-)

    As far as tips here's a great article called 'Learn How To Surf in One Day' that I always recommend to beginners:

    Good luck and have fun!!!!

  2. well honestly..i would want to learn to take lessons from a friend because you already have a closer bond to them and they will give you constructive criticism on the other hand though...i would go with a teacher because they might have more experience and would teach you the RIGHT way to do stuff

    goodluck. peace.

  3. Go with the buddy.  It's always a lot more fun and safer to surf with one.  Good luck

  4. Well i learned to surf when i was 12, it was awesome. I went to a billabong surf camp. Now, a friend would try to be nice and might not tell you everything you are doing wrong. I would go to a teacher so they would give you tips hints and REAL expert help, your friend could go surfing with you. I did that, i went to the camp and my friends went surfing while i was learning so after or before the lessons they could help me and also see my skillz. And they could be with you while you learn, it's not like they are not allowed because the beach is for everyone so they can be right by your side. The teacher would help you pick the right board and equipments plus they are more experience because they done this a million of times unlike your friend who just wants to help.Now if you dont want to spend your money just go with your friends, even thought they might not be a big help if something happens o you. If you go to the instructor if you drow or something they would be on charge and it better that something happened to you with an teacher than with your friends.

  5. Well,, I don't know how old you are, or where you live at the shore,  and that can make a bit of a difference. I learned to surf by myself in New Jersey 42 years ago. But long before I started surfing, I was swimming in the ocean and/or bay, everyday for years. Okay, I didn't swim every day in the winter time, but you knew what I meant, right?

    If you are already really good with the ocean, and you have lots of pals who surf. there is nothing wrong with having them help you learn. I am a big fan of lessons, because people learn surfing etiquette too, but if your pals are cool, they will teach you what you need to know. However, your age makes a big difference.  If you are older, the lessons will be a more effective way to learn quickly. High school and college age folks can learn fine from peers. If you are younger than that, then lessons are just about a must.

    There are some great surf shops in New Jersey. Unfortunately, there are also a bunch of overpriced bathing suit stores that sell surf boards and masquerade as surf shops. Look for one that sells more surfboards than the other c**p, and talk to the folks who work there. They will probably give you better advice that I can.

    Either way, surf during 'off hours' when there aren't a lot of other surfers out there, who will get angry with you and want to drown you when you get in there way. Most professional lessons take place before ten AM or after five PM, when the water is less crowded (and the beach patrol doesn't hassle the instructors for going in the water without a board at a 'surf - only' beach).

    If you surf anywhere from Atlantic City south, I hope to see you in the water this summer.

  6. Lessons are stupid. Trust me I was an instructor. They are a waste of money. Your friends could teach you everything you need to know. As far as advice for a beginner, don't give up and practice. Surfing is really frustating when you first start. Just stay positive and surf as often as you can. Before you know it you will be shreding.

    Good luck

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