
So I was talking with this friend and after I paid a compliment or something he goes?

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"ditto...with spades!"

What does that mean? I know what ditto means, but he added "with spades."





  1. never heard that one before

  2. It's an old term.  My parents (who are in their 90's) used to say things like 'someone got paid back in spades" or they 'they made the money back on that investment in spades'.  see below from :

    Considerably, in the extreme; also, without restraint. For example, They were having money problems, in spades, or Jan told him what he really thought of him, in spades. This expression alludes to spades as the highest-ranking suit in various card games, such as bridge, and transfers "highest" to other extremes. [Colloquial; 1920s]  

  3. It's his own saying.

  4. Maybe its just one of his own sayings....I know guys like that who say silly random things.

  5. It means he feels the same way only more. Like if you said you liked that rose.  He'd say he absolutely loves that rose. (Though I think the correct term is "in spades").

  6. the term refers to card games such as poker where one person goes "i have a flush" and the other person goes "ditto with spades"

    meaning the same except better.

  7. A spade is a shovel. He was shoveling on more complements.

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