
So I was thinking about the Columbine Massacre last night.

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And I think that it is a good thing that it happened.

Here is my reasoning:

1. I enjoyed "Bowling for Columbine". Without the massacre this documentary would never have been made, so there would be less enjoyment in my life.

2. It inspired protesters to complain about guns. I personally don't want people walking around my neighbourhood with guns, so I think the massacre has made society a little bit safer for me.

3. I feel apathy for the victims. I didn't know them and they had no impact on my life, so I don't really care what happened.

So it seems that the Columbine Massacre has not been detrimental to my life, rather it has improved it.





  1. You're a total d**k for making fun of a tragedy. We shouldn't have needed a massacre to revamp gun safety. Even if you weren't personally affected by the deaths of the victims, their families were, so consider yourself lucky and remember that old saying, 'but for the grace of God goes I."

  2. My thought is that you are an idiot.  

  3. It's sad that it has come to this and you make very good points, It was a tradgedy indeed but it has probably prevented more if anything good has come of it.

    Schools now have higher security, I guarantee that at least one tradgedy has been prevented because of the gun control and other things that have come from this.

  4. Good try, buddy. You're trying really hard to sound like an anti-gun person so you can make them look bad but you ain't fooling anyone.

    I bet you'd make a good assistant to Rush Limbaugh or any other rightwing whacko.  

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