
So...Im majoring in Anthropology. Is this a dead end major?

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My parents think that there is absolutely no money in this degree. But its what I love. I need to be able to use my degree for something. What are some jobs that I could get with a Bachelors in Anthropology?




  1. If you are interested in archaeology, there is the CRM field.  All it takes is a BA and a Field School.   You won't be making bank but its plenty to live on and it offers an exellent opportunity for travel.  besides once you get some field experience, you will have an opportunity to work on some of the coolest sites in the country.  check out Shovelbums... they have a yahoo gourp too.

  2. A bachelor's?  Nothing really, sorry.  You need more school than that.  You need to get a master's, if not a PhD.

  3. you can become a professor in any subject if you just keep going for the PHD or you could become a research scientist and go to digs and such. talking to one of your professors or a job advisor might be a good idea as well

  4. with a BA in anthropology and a little field experience you can become a archaeological technician or in reality a glorified ditch digger making somewhere between $10-$15 an hour depending on where you go. Be advised that these jobs are all temporary lasting anywhere from a month to four or five months while living in a motel and working in extreme weather conditions. Other than that you will need a masters or phd to get research or teaching jobs. If you are lucky you may be able to get a job such as a museum registrar or museum technician, both are low paying. to be a curator you will need a phd.

  5. Realistically, anthropology is a theoretical subject.  However, it provides a number of transferable skills.  Not to mention, any degree improves your chances of employment, because it shows determination and dedication.

    If it's what you love, then you will probably continue to love it, and anthropological research is likely to be a great career for you.  So that would be my suggestion!

  6. What kind of anthropology?  Archaeology, Linguistics, Applied, Biological, or Cultural?

    Some careers you can get that will pay decent:

    Ethnographer (cultural anthropology) -- does demographics for polls.  Usually involved in politics

    Marketing (cultural and/or linguistic anthropology) -- develop advertisements that reach multicultural groups more effectively

    Interpreter (linguistic anthropology)

    Human Resources and Diversity Training at any company (cultural and/or linguistic anth)

  7. My friend became a CEO of a stock company and makes tons of money, but she doesn't use her anthropology  degree.. sorry. not what you want to hear.

  8. If you go into physical or biological anthropology, which is a science major, there are always jobs for people to work in forensics and in labs.  Otherwise, you will probably end up teaching unless you want the degree for professional school.  I majored in Archaeology at UCLA but I never intended to remain in the field, it was for graduate school.  I majored in what I enjoy studying so that I would get good grades, although I sometimes wish I was still involved in it.

  9. Which is most important to you, money or happiness?  One of the main purposes in ANY degree is to prove to others (and yourself) that you can work hard, think, and research your subject.  It is easy to understand why your parents are concerned about your future financial welfare, but it IS your life.  Don't rule out jobs where "non-specific" degrees are acceptable in order to begin training, such as primary school teacher.  You don't necessarily have to teach anthropology to end up in a responsible position.  Go with your heart.

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