
So Im not good at making freinds when I try I make enimies...?

by Guest32717  |  earlier

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I'm too nice and share to much THe reason I moved was because of a bully problem gone way out of hand It was affecting my family

I've started a new school and Im really bored I want to make freinds with kids in this neighborhood b4 school starts again

But I tryed and two of them already think im a weirdo and I dont want to scare off anyone else

there always outside but none of them approach me

How do I approach them without seeming weird

3 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. be yourself

  2. be yourself!! and hang out at places you like that way youll meet people who have similar interests and itll be easier to make friends with them if you have things in common

  3. well, you don't have to force yourself to make friends. you can just start a conversation with them about something or another. maybe they all just think your a weirdo bc you think that that's what they think...or maybe your just different, and based on what you've said, i'd say different in a good way.

  4. Don't force yourself to make friends. Just be yourself and they'll come to you.

  5. -don't reveal too much about yourself

    -act confident

    - don't act like you need anyone

    -dress a bit more up-to-date with fashion

    -smile a lot

    You're whole I'm too nice thing, sounds like BS?

  6. omg me too

    but heres what you do walk around your nabeirhood and say hello from across the street and keep on stepping

    strike up a convo with the chick at 7/11

    don't feel bad i am a weirdo to 100%(do you know what i want for my b-day lol)

    ok back to the point

    just start off by saying hello invite some ppl to the movies

    i think that will help

    oh and talk to ppl in you knew classrooms

    (nobody is so weird that nobody would want to be there friend...unless you smell)

  7. ur answers suck sorry no one helped :(

  8. im with scarlett's mom

  9. Scarlettsmommy is right! Let them come to you! not you go to them

  10. be yourself do what you would normaly do.


  11. I think Scarlett's has given you a good advise.

    Take care

  12. well, just b urself, and pick gud frends, nice ppl r attracted 2 nice ppl. stand up for urself, and b reasonable, dont change urself to be somethin ur not

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